Dr. Albert Frock

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Dr. Albert Frock


Dr. Albert Frock is the lead curator for the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois.

During the events of The Relic (1997) played by James Whitmore

Dr. Ann Cuthbert and Dr. Albert Frock decide to have fronds covered in what appears to be a fungus, and the only things in the crate sent from John Whitney, incinerated. Frock does allow Dr. Margo Green a frond to take and analyze for herself. While reading data from Green’s computer, Frock notices all the hormones from the leaf sent by Whitney are present in the human hypothalamus. Lt. Vincent D'Agosta finds Green and Frock, however Pollux breaks free and runs off. The kothoga charges at them and they manage to shut the door in time. Green tells D’Agosta she thinks the kothoga started as something else and after eating the fungus on the leaves it changed. Frock tells Green and D’Agosta he is going to stay and he is then found and eaten by the kothoga.