Eddie Godmonster of Indian Flats

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Eduardo "Eddie" Echeverría is a sheep herder on his ranch near Mt. Sugarloaf, Nevada. He wanted to go to college, but had to help his dad on the sheep ranch. Both of Eddie's parents are dead and wanted to be buried in their native Basque country in Spain.

During the events of Godmonster of Indian Flats (1973) played by Richard Marion

Eddie arrives in Reno, Nevada and goes to the Primadonna Casino. After winning at the slot machine, he is paid in cash by the Change Girl who introduces him to Elbow Johnson and Bar Girl. Elbow Johnson buys Eddie a drink and then invites him to Virginia City, in Silverdale County. They drive to Virginia City in Elbow Johnson's car and go into Union Brewery Saloon. Eddie meets one of Madame Alta's Girls, who steals money from Eddie's pockets and when he confronts her, he is roughed up and kicked out of the bar by Sheriff Gordon and Phillip Maldove. Dr. Clemens drives Eddie back to Eddie's ranch and he passes out in his sheep pen. The next day Dr. Clemens and Mariposa find Eddie laying next to a sheep and an embryonic creature. Eddie goes with Mariposa to get some cables and they later go to a monument and kiss. During the Tourist Festival, Eddie convinces some kids in a pie eating contest to throw their pies at Phillip Maldove. He is at Dr. Clemens lab when Silverdale's Posse cause the Godmonster to get loose. As he is searching for the Godmonster, Eddie finds Mariposa with it and the throws a rock at it, causing it to run away. Later after the Godmonster has been captured by Silverdale's Posse, Eddie sees the crowd turn against Charles Silverdale and attack the cage holding the Godmonster, causing it to explode.

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