Henry (A Golden Christmas)

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Henry Wright is a resident in Oregon. His mother is Jessica, his grandparents are Rod and Katherine, and his aunt and uncle-in-law are Anna and Mitch.

During the events of A Golden Christmas (2009) played by Daniel Zykov

Jessica and Henry drive to her childhood home and he asks her what she used to do all day. Jessica tells Henry not to tell Rod or Katherine that they are going to buy their house until Christmas day. They walk up to the house as Rod, Katherine, Anna and Mitch come out to greet them. Before bed, Henry tells Jessica that he is going to dream about his dead dad painting on the porch. As Jessica is sleeping on the couch she hears a scratching at the door, and when she opens the door she sees dog prints. She goes outside and when she goes back inside The Dog is sitting in the living room wearing a costume. Henry sees The Dog and thinks Santa brought it for him. Michael walks to the door and Rod introduces him to Jessica and Michael tells her that The Dog belongs to him and she showed up on his doorstop one day. Henry tells Anna that Jessica never cries and he thinks maybe she wants to cry, but feels like she can't in front of him. He then tells Anna that for Christmas he wants to see Jessica smile again. He finds Jessica in the woods and Jessica tells him that The Dog looks just like the one from that summer. Henry tells Jessica that he thinks she will see the boy from her ninth summer. Later, Jessica and Henry go to dig her old lunchbox up and find it gone. Michael goes to Rod and Katherine's party with Madeline and The Dog and he brings a present for Henry. Henry and Madeline tell Jessica and Michael that The Dog seemed sick and ran away.