Michael (A Golden Christmas)

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Michael Beal is a carpenter and general contractor in Oregon. His daughter is Madeline and he is divorced. Michael quit being an architect after 15 years. When he was 9 he met The Dog and Jessica and promised her they would always be best friends.

Michael (A Golden Christmas) Young - Edited.png

During the events of A Golden Christmas (2009) played by Sam Cohen and Nicholas Brendon

Michael walks to Rod and Katherine's door and Rod introduces him to Jessica and Michael tells her that The Dog belongs to him and she showed up on his doorstop one day. Neither Jessica or Michael recognize each other and Michael reveals that he is the one buying the house and Jessica's attitude changes around him and she calls him irresponsible. In the car, Michael tells Madeline about the summer when he was nine years old. The next morning, Jessica follows The Dog to Michael's woodworking shop and tells Michael that bears live in the area of the house and Michael tells her he is excited, because now he has a reason to build a fence. Michael is about to tell Jessica about his sentimental attachment of the area when The Dog barks at him. Jessica tells him that the house belongs to her and she is going to buy it. They argue and Jessica leaves. When Jessica gets home she finds Michael measuring the property and Michael tells Jessica that he just wants them to be friends.

Michael reads Madeline the Gift of the Magi and she asks him if he is lonely. In town, Chet confronts Jessica for what she said about Michael's house and Michael and Rod find out what she did. Michael and Madeline go into the woods with The Dog to dig up the lunch box. Michael overhears Jessica admit to Chet that she sabotaged the sale of his house and she apologizes to Michael. Later, Chet calls Michael and tells him the house sold. The Dog delivers an invitation to Rod and Katherine's party and Michael goes to the party with Madeline and The Dog and he brings a present for Henry. Mitch tells Michael that Jessica isn't always so crazy. Michael tells Jessica the story about the girl he met when he was nine. Henry and Madeline tell Jessica and Michael that The Dog seemed sick and ran away. Michael and Jessica go looking for The Dog and find her laying next to where they buried the lunchbox. Jessica realizes she is pregnant and Michael realizes Jessica is the girl from the summer. Jessica shows him the ornament he gave her and he realizes she is the one that bought his house and he whispers into her ear what he said to her when they were nine, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, you will always be my best friend. It starts to snow and Michael and Jessica kiss. Later, Jessica and Michael go outside and The Dog barks at them and walks back into the forest.

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