Rod (A Golden Christmas)

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Rod Wright is a former judge in Oregon. His wife is Katherine, his daughters are Jessica and Anna, his grandson is Henry, and his son-in-law is Mitch.

During the events of A Golden Christmas (2009) played by Bruce Davison

Jessica and Henry drive to her childhood home and they walk up to the house as Rod, Katherine, Anna and Mitch come out to greet them. Rod and Katherine tell Jessica that they sold the house which upsets Jessica. Later, Michael walks to the door and Rod introduces him to Jessica and Michael tells her that The Dog belongs to him and she showed up on his doorstop one day. Michael reveals that he is the one buying the house and Jessica's attitude changes around him and she calls him irresponsible. The next morning, Jessica tells Katherine and Rod that she wants the house, but Rod tells her that he has already signed a contract to sell it to Michael. Katherine mentions that the sale was contingent on Michael selling his house. In town, Chet confronts Jessica for what she said about Michael's house to a couple of buyers and Michael and Rod find out what she did.