Mr Brown

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Mr Brown


Brown is a locksmith in Ankh-Morpork, on Discworld.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (2006) played by Geoffrey Hutchings

Mr Brown arrives at a meeting and Teatime punches Banjo in the mouth, knocking out one of his teeth. As Violet collects Banjo's tooth she is grabbed, while Teatime hijacks Ernie's carriage. Banjo carries Violet and puts her in Ernie's carriage and the others get inside. Ernie drives the carriage to a wall behind the Unseen University and Teatime takes some magic powder that Ernie has and throws it at the wall and a portal forms. Teatime then kills Ernie and drives the carriage through the portal. Teatime tells Chickenwire and Medium Dave to pile all the teeth into a pile and tells Mr Brown to unlock every door in the Tooth Fairy's castle. Mr Brown opens a door and Teatime finds a Toothguard hiding and scares him to death. Teatime tells Mr Brown to find the Tooth Fairy's secret room. Susan finds Bilious in the Hogfather's castle and carries him out as the castle collapses. Mr Brown opens a door and they find Toothguard 7 hiding and Toothguard 7 tells them he won't tell them anything and Teatime kills him. Mr Brown is about to unlock a door, when magic causes part of the lock to engage. Mr Brown fails to open the lock and Teatime has Banjo grab him and throw him down the stairs, killing Mr Brown.