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== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 8 Caesarion]] played by [[James Purefoy]] ==
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 8 Caesarion]] played by [[James Purefoy]] ==
Mark Antony is sent back to Rome to declare Pompey Magnus has been defeated while Caesar stays in Egypt.  He catches Cicero in the senate grounds trying to convince Brutus to betray himself and Caesar in order to rejoin with Cato and Scipio.  Mark Antony grabs Cicero's hands and threatens that if he catches him conspiring against Caesar or him again then he will cut off Cicero's hands and have them nailed to the senate doors.
Mark Antony is sent back to Rome to declare Pompey Magnus has been defeated while Caesar stays in Egypt.  He catches Cicero in the senate grounds trying to convince Brutus to betray himself and Caesar in order to rejoin with Cato and Scipio.  Mark Antony grabs Cicero's hands and threatens that if he catches him conspiring against Caesar or him again then he will cut off Cicero's hands and have them nailed to the senate doors.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 10 Triumph]] played by [[James Purefoy]] ==
As Caesar is getting dressed for his Triumph, Mark Antony jokes about the facade about appearing to look like a demi-god, which Caesar takes offense to.  At the Triumph, Mark Antony sits next to Caesar and exchanges glances with Atia.

Revision as of 16:40, 3 February 2019

Mark Antony


Mark Antony is a general of the 13th Legion of the Roman Army.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 1 The Stolen Eagle played by James Purefoy

Mark Antony is present during the defeat of the Gaulish army of Vercingetorix. A group of men wearing blue dye break into Caesar's camp and steal the eagle standard. Marcus Junius Brutus arrives at Caesar's camp and they discuss recent events and Brutus' mother Servilia of the Junii, who is upset Caesar hasn't written to her lately. Mark Antony interrupts them and asks for gold to reclaim the eagle standard. Caesar orders Strabo to give Antony the gold he needs. Lucius Vorenus is brought before Mark Antony and told he will be in charge of retrieving the eagle.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 2 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic played by James Purefoy

During the winter in Gaul near the Italian border, Posca tells Caesar more troops are deserting. He warns Caesar time is running out and they must act, however Caesar reassures Posca he knows what he is doing. When Posca notices a large sum of money has been spent, Caesar tells him he has spent it to nominate Mark Antony as the people's tribune. Strabo is sent with Mark Antony to make sure the dignity of the title of tribune is kept. As Lucius Vorenus, Titus Pullo and Gaius Octavian wait for Mark Antony to finish having sex with a Peasant Woman, Lucius appears nervous of returning home. Antony arrives in Rome to cheers from the people. Antony tells Lucius and Titus to return Octavian to his mother Atia of the Julii. The ceremony to make Mark Antony a tribune ends and the Priest declares him a tribune of the plebeians. At Atia's home Pompey Magnus, Marcus Tullius Cicero and Porcius Cato meet with Mark Antony. Mark Antony tells Pompey, Caesar wants to make a compromise. He will return if he is given a province to protect him from prosecution, and the senators reject his offer. At the senate meeting the Curial Magistrate calls on Scipio to speak. Scipio proposes a formal motion that Caesar must return to stand trial or he will be called a public enemy of Rome. A vote is taken and a majority agree to the proposal, before Mark Antony can veto the motion a brawl breaks out ending the meeting. It is agreed that another session will be held and Mark Antony may then veto the proposal. Mark Antony's group are walking towards the Senate when Stilicho sees Titus and attacks him. Titus kills Stilicho and a fight breaks out. Mark Antony returns to camp and Caesar parades him in front of the troops as a justified reason to invade Rome beyond Caesar being declared an enemy of Rome.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 3 An Owl in the Thornbrush played by James Purefoy

Caesar orders Lucius to take Titus and a group of Ubiians to Rome to post a proclamation on the Senate door. He then asks Mark Antony why Lucius seems upset and Mark Antony tells him it is because Lucius feels he will be punished by the Gods for being a traitor. Caesar asks if Lucius can be trusted and Mark Antony promises him Lucius wouldn't betray the 13th Legion. As they near Rome, Mark Antony asks Caesar how he can be so calm and Caesar admits he doesn't feel calm on the inside.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 4 Stealing from Saturn played by James Purefoy

Mark Antony is woken up by Atia and asked why Caesar has invited Servilia of the Junii to the party she is having for him. Mark Antony tells her it is probably because her son Brutus has joined Pompey. Mark Antony has Cato the dwarf bring Lucius Vorenus to him. Mark Antony offers a promotion to Lucius if he will rejoin the 13th Legion, however Lucius refuses his offer. During the party held at Atia's home, Mark Antony helps Caesar negotiate a bribe to the Chief Augur. Mark Antony follows Caesar when Titus Pullo brings Quintus Pompey to Atia's house. Caesar orders Titus Pullo to take Mark Antony to the location where he buried the stolen gold from Rome.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 5 The Ram has Touched the Wall played by James Purefoy

Mark Antony and Posca argue about the merits of accepting Pompey's peace agreement. Posca wants peace, however Mark Antony believes they should crush the remainder of Pompey's forces. He complains to Atia that the soldiers are getting restless and the only reason Caesar is staying in Rome is so he can be with Servilia. When Caesar is forced to break up with Servilia, Caesar decides to leave Rome, but he makes Mark Antony stay in Rome. Lucius goes to Mark Antony and asks to rejoin the 13th Legion. Mark Antony accepts him back but with one thousand less denarii a month pay than he offered him when Mark Antony asked Lucius to come back to the army.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 6 Egeria played by James Purefoy

Mark Antony is holding council in the home of Pompey Magnus when Numa asks him for a favor. After Numa takes too long to make his request, Mark Antony has him and the other supplicants removed. Publius Servilius and his wife Poppea approach Mark Antony, and Mark Antony tells Publius that he is to be Consul on the condition that Caesar is Co-Consul and that he put forth legislation that would require 1/3rd of all farm laborers be free Roman Citizens. Mark Antony receives a letter from Caesar asking him to mobilize the 13th Legion to help him fight Pompey. Mark Antony tells Posca he must think before he mobilizes the legion. Milo approaches Mark Antony and tells him of an offer from Pompey that if he surrenders Rome then his life will be spared and he will be given a province. Mark Antony tells Milo to come back the next day for his answer. He has a date with Atia where she tries to convince him to marry her and become king of Rome and to abandon Caesar. Mark Antony disgusted, calls Atia a harpy and leaves. The next day he mobilizes the 13th Legion and when Milo comes back for his answer, Mark Antony punches him in the face. After the legion is organized, Mark Antony marches out of Rome and the legion takes a fleet of ships towards Greece.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 7 Pharsalus played by James Purefoy

Mark Antony joins Caesar in their defeat of Pompey's army at the battle of Pharsalus. When Lucius Vorenus tells Caesar that he allowed Pompey and his family to escape, Mark Antony doesn't understand why Caesar doesn't punish him.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 8 Caesarion played by James Purefoy

Mark Antony is sent back to Rome to declare Pompey Magnus has been defeated while Caesar stays in Egypt. He catches Cicero in the senate grounds trying to convince Brutus to betray himself and Caesar in order to rejoin with Cato and Scipio. Mark Antony grabs Cicero's hands and threatens that if he catches him conspiring against Caesar or him again then he will cut off Cicero's hands and have them nailed to the senate doors.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 10 Triumph played by James Purefoy

As Caesar is getting dressed for his Triumph, Mark Antony jokes about the facade about appearing to look like a demi-god, which Caesar takes offense to. At the Triumph, Mark Antony sits next to Caesar and exchanges glances with Atia.