Vivica Stevens

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Vivica Stevens


Vivica Stevens is a resident of Los Angeles, California. Vivica's mom used to work with people with special needs.

During the events of RoboWoman (2019) played by Dawna Lee Heising

Jonathan walks into Vivica's office and tells her that he heard it was her last day at work. He asks her if she will go out on a date with him for Robby's birthday and she agrees. Vivica calls Charlenee and tells her about her date with Jonathan. Vivica meets Jonathan for their date and she tells him that her and Charlenee are going to open a cupcake shop. They take a shortcut through Cole Canyon Trail and Robby, Tony and Ray show up and Robby tries to rape Vivica. Jonathan sprays Vivica in the eyes with pepper spray and then Robby stabs her in the stomach and they leave her for dead. Vivica texts Charlenee and asks her for help. Vivica is then brought to Dr. Michaels' lab.

Six months later, Charlenee brings the now cyborg Vivica back to their apartment. Vivica looks at herself in the mirror and is shocked by what she sees. Charlenee tells her about a martial arts instructor she knows and Vivica agrees to take one on one classes. She goes to Rikki Lou's dojo and tells him that she wants to learn martial artists so she can kill Jonathan and the others. She trains in martial arts and after some time, Rikki Lous wishes her luck in her vengeance. Charlenee is watching The Last Woman on Earth when Vivica gets home. Vivica calls Brad and asks to buy a gun from him. As Vivica is walking to meet with Brad, Gang Member 1 and Gang Member 2 ask her if she is looking for sex and she kills them. She then kills an Elderly Man that is walking home. She meets with Brad and buys a handgun from him and Brad gropes her. They start fighting and Vivica shoots Brad in the head. The next day, Detective Myers sees Vivica and Charlenee walking nearby and questions them and then gives them his card. Vivica tells Charlenee that they should go on a vacation. She tells Charlenee that she has to go to a therapy session. Vivica sees a Drunk Man and kills him. Vivica goes to the bar that Robby is at and motions for him to follow her. Robby runs after her and Tony and Ray follow him. Vivica shoots and kills Ray and then Tony. She shoots Robby and ties him to a tree and Jonathan finds him. Vivica surprises them and shoots Robby in the head and then Jonathan. Charlenee and Myers find Vivica and Vivica removes her cybernetics and collapses and her brain shuts down. Vivica is returned to Dr. Michaels lab and he then tells Vivica that they will have a mission for her in no time and Vivica rises from her hospital bed.

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