Dr. Bainbridge

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Dr. Bainbridge


Dr. Bainbridge is the lead researcher for the Gemini Project. His father was a researcher on the MKUltra Program.

During the events of Alien Rising (2013) played by Dave Vescio

Colonel Stephen Cencula, Burch and Dr. Bainbridge come over to watch Lisa Morgan fight when she first arrives on the island. Lisa puts in some headphones and listens to music and then beats Hutch and the others up including Black Ball Soldier 4 and Plummer. Colonel Cencula tells her she passed the test and welcomes her to the Gemini Project. He talks to her about twins and then reads Lisa, her family history. Cencula then tells Lisa, her sister didn't die in prison, but was also a part of the Gemini Project until she died in an accident. Plummer and Bainbridge take Lisa to the underground facility. During the night he is seen groping Comatose Woman by Lisa. In the morning, Colonel Cencula and Dr. Bainbridge brief Lisa on the project. He shows her a video of the Large Alien he calls Spike attacking and killing a researcher and notes how one alien felt the pain of another hundreds of miles apart from each other. Hutch and Ty Phillip walk into the lab with Dr. Bainbridge who accuses Dr. Templeton of selling materials on the black market. He is injected with the blue substance and they leave. Later, Cencula, Manning and Dr. Bainbridge enter the lab and Cencula demands the Small Alien follow his orders. Cencula has a researcher patch him in to the Large Alien and video conferences with various people. Manning commands Dr. Templeton to move around and enter the enclosure of the Large Alien which quickly rips apart Dr. Templeton. Cencula holds a bidding for the blue substance and Mr. Bok wins the bid after beating Yemen Leader. Cencula and the men then celebrate the money they will soon have and the others leave while Cencula stays behind. He tells Lisa to come out of hiding and she calls him a traitor. Cencula tells her that Dr. Templeton killed Lisa's sister by giving her an overdose and he plans on killing the Large Alien so no one can have it. Dr. Bainbridge confronts Cencula and Cencula tells him he better start packing his bags. After Lisa escapes, Dr. Bainbridge is grabbed and forced to link with the Large Alien. The Large Alien runs towards Lisa and then protects her from a rock fall. Cencula goes to the Small Alien and sets a self destruct for the base. After the base self destructs, Dr. Bainbridge rides in a canoe with the Comatose Woman away from the destruction.