Dutch (Predator)

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Alan "Dutch" Schaefer is a Major and Team Leader in a United States Special Forces team. He served with Dillon in Vietnam and Poncho in Afghanistan.

During the events of Predator (1987) played by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Dutch and his team, Mac, Blain, Billy, Poncho and Hawkins arrive in a Central American Country. He is taken to meet General Phillips who briefs him on his mission to rescue a cabinet minister. He then shakes hands with Dillon and is told he will be joining him on his mission and given further guidance. Him and his team take a helicopter to a location near where the helicopter went down and rappel to the ground. They arrive at the crash and Poncho surveys the crash and tells Dutch that the helicopter appears to be one used for surveillance and Billy tells him that he found the trail of two prisoners walking with twelve guerrillas and a further six men following wearing American government issued boots. Dutch questions Dillon about the American boots, but Dillon tells him he doesn't know anything about it. Billy finds the remains of four men skinned alive and included in the remains are the dog tags belonging to Jim Hopper, a Green Beret that Dutch knew out of Fort Bragg. Billy tells Dutch that it appears the Green Berets started firing into the trees, but he can't find evidence of who they shot at. They arrive at the guerrilla base and Dutch sees Russian Officer shoot one of the hostages. He and his team then attack the guerrilla base. After Dutch kills the Russian Officer, Anna tries to sneak upon Dutch, but he butt strokes her to the face. Dillon starts looking through the scattered documents and Dutch grabs him and accuses him of setting them up. Dillon then tells Dutch that he and his team are assets to be used. Hawkins tells Dutch that the area is surrounded by guerrillas and they leave the camp. While making their way to the pick up point Billy stops and tells Dutch there is something in the trees, but Dutch can't see it. Anna tries to escape and Hawkins is killed similar to the way as Hopper and Dutch has his team look for his body. Blain is killed next and Dutch and Dillon notice his wounds don't have any shrapnel and the bone is fused. Dutch listens as Mac, who started shooting after Blain was killed, tells Dillon that he saw green eyes in the jungle, and Billy says something is hunting them and they are all going to die. Dutch has his team set up trip wires and wait for the night. A wild boar sets off the trip wires and Blain's body is gone. Anna tells Dutch that when they shot into the jungle, they wounded something. Dutch then has the team set up booby traps in the trees. They wait, and as Dutch steps out into the open, the Predator is caught in a net. It starts firing into the air and Poncho is hit with a broken log. Mac chases after the Predator and Dillon tells Dutch to take his team to the evacuation location. As they are leaving, Billy stays behind and Dutch hears his scream. Poncho is then hit with a laser blast to the head and as Anna goes to grab his weapon, Dutch kicks it away and tells her to get to the chopper. He is wounded in the arm by the Predator and runs away. While fleeing, he crawls in mud and notices the Predator cannot see him. He then sets traps for the Predator and starts a bonfire and calls out to the Predator. He sees the Predator searching the area, and shoots it with a home made bow and arrow. The Predator is wounded and loses its camouflage. Dutch continues to attack it, but is eventually spotted and caught by the Predator. The Predator removes its mask and starts beating Dutch, who crawls away. He tricks it into going into one of his traps and drops a giant log onto it. He grabs a rock to finish it off and after laughing, the Predator sets off a timer on its wrist. Dutch runs and there is a large explosion. He is then picked up by General Phillips and his Helicopter Pilot and sits in a daze as they return to base.

Dutch Predator 2 - Edited.png