Jesus Christ (The Visitor)

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Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ is the son of Captain Yahweh. He watches over a group of reformed children in a plane of existence far away from Earth.

During the events of The Visitor (1979) played by Franco Nero

Jesus tells a gathered group of bald children a story about Sateen who was a prisoner aboard a ship. Jesus continues that Sateen had been captured by Commander Yahweh during a battle. Sateen was able to escape and fled to planet Earth. Sateen was a mutant with genes that evolved and gave him psychic and occult powers, which he used to spread death and destruction. Commander Yahweh tried to hunt down Sateen and one method he used was by sending trained birds to hunt Sateen. Sateen destroyed most of the birds, but he was mortally wounded by the remaining three birds. Sateen while dead, was still able to procreate with Earth women which continued his lineage. Jerzy Colsowicz walks into the room and Jesus asks if it has happened again and Jerzy tells him about Katy Collins. After returning, Jerzy walks into Jesus' room and introduces a now good Katy to Jesus and the other formerly evil children.