Toe Jam

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Toe Jam


Toe Jam is one of the Roobillies and a member of Dementus' biker horde. He knows how to butcher an animal.

During the events of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) played by David Field

Toe Jam 2.png

Furiosa sneaks to the motorcycles belonging to Toe Jam and the others and starts cutting their fuel lines as Toe Jam directs the other members of his group on how to butcher a horse. Furiosa is caught by Vulture but stabs him in the leg and runs away. She pulls out a whistle and starts blowing it. Toe Jam uses a whip to catch Furiosa before she can get away. Toe Jam puts Furiosa on his motorcycle and then he and the others ride away. Vuvalini General jumps off the horse and uses a rifle to kill Savage. Cannibal hops off Vulture's motorcycle and gets on Savage's motorcycle but is then quickly killed by Mary Jabassa. Mary gets on Savage's motorcycle and shoots Hacker dead and Vulture yells to Toe Jam that they are being attacked by snipers. Vulture takes the fuel from Hacker's motorcycle while Toe Jam uses binoculars and sees only Mary is following them.

Furiosa manages to chew threw the fuel line in Toe Jam's motorcycle. Toe Jam runs out of fuel and Furiosa steals his knife and while Toe Jam and Vulture are arguing, uses it to cut the ropes holding her and tries to run away, but is caught by Toe Jam. As they get close to Dementus' camp, Toe Jam and Vulture start celebrating. Mary shoots Toe Jam's tire and then shoots Vulture dead. Toe Jam makes it to camp and tells Rizzdale Pell that he has news for Dementus. Rizzdale starts to untie Furiosa, but Toe Jam tells him hands off. Rizzdale then tells Snapper and Hungry Eyes to untie Furiosa. Rizzdale asks where Toe Jam found her and Toe Jam starts yelling to Dementus' Horde that Furiosa came from a place of abundance. Rizzdale asks Furiosa where she came from, but she refuses to answer. He then asks Toe Jam where Furiosa came from, but Toe Jam tells him he will only tell Dementus himself. As Toe Jam is riding towards Dementus' tent, Furiosa jumps off his motorcycle and sticks his whip in the wheels, causing the whip to strangle and drag Toe Jam. Rizzdale has Snapper and Hungry Eyes bring the dying Toe Jam into Dementus' tent and Rizzdale tells Toe Jam to draw a map or arrow in the sand leading back to the Green Place. Furiosa then charges at Toe Jam and starts kicking him and Toe Jam dies.