Rome: Season 1 Episode 3 An Owl in the Thornbrush

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Pompey Magnus and members of the Senate leave Rome to regroup and Atia takes advantage of the situation.

Series Index

Rome (2005-2007)


Lucius Vorenus - Kevin McKidd

Titus Pullo - Ray Stevenson

Atia of the Julii - Polly Walker

Pompey Magnus - Kenneth Cranham

Servilia of the Junii - Lindsay Duncan

Marcus Junius Brutus - Tobias Menzies

Octavia of the Julii - Kerry Condon

Porcius Cato - Karl Johnson

Niobe - Indira Varma

Marcus Tullius Cicero - David Bamber

Gaius Octavian - Max Pirkis

Timon - Lee Boardman

Eleni - Suzanne Bertish

Scipio - Paul Jesson

Evander Pulchio - Enzo Cilenti

Eirene - Chiara Mastalii

Clarissa - Anna Francolini

Vorena the Elder - Coral Amiga

Mark Antony - James Purefoy

Caesar - Ciaran Hinds

Castor - Manfredi Aliquo'

Merula - Lydia Biondi

Daughter of Pompey - Eliza Darby

Appius - Andrew Greenough

Durio - Matt Patresi

Cornelia - Anna Patrick

Glabius - Roberto Purvis

Newsreader - Ian McNeice

Numa - Stu Rosen

Iolanthe - Alexandra Stordy

Son of Pompey - Michele Pettini

Legionary - Antonio Ragusa

Maidservant - Carla Cagnetti

Proculus - Vittorio Amandola

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Castor is being whipped by Atia of the Julii, because she is upset that Caesar has ruined them by becoming a traitor to Rome. Porcius Cato goes to Pompey Magnus and asks him if has heard that Caesar has crossed the Rubicon and Pompey recounts a war story. Caesar orders Lucius Vorenus to take Titus Pullo and a group of Ubiians to Rome to post a proclamation on the Senate door. He then asks Mark Antony why Lucius seems upset and Mark Antony tells him it is because Lucius feels he will be punished by the Gods for being a traitor. Caesar asks if Lucius can be trusted and Mark Antony promises him Lucius wouldn't betray the 13th Legion. Evander Pulchio stops by the house of Lucius and Niobe to see his son. Niobe tells him to leave, however he tells her he loves her and says Lucius is doomed. Evander kisses Niobe and Vorena the Elder walks in, and after being told to leave again, he leaves. Vorena tells Niobe she should tell Lucius, but Niobe thinks Lucius would kill them. At their campfire, Lucius asks Titus how to get Niobe to love him and Titus gives him advice. Atia tells Timon she is planning to have a party and she will need him to provide her with bodyguards. Timon agrees to provide more men in exchange for sex with her later. Lucius, Titus and the Ubiians come across a group of Pompey's outriders. Titus ignores their orders not to attack and he and the Ubiians charge the camp, quickly defeating Pompey's men who appear to be young and inexperienced.

A Legionary that escaped the attack reports to Pompey and Cato that Caesar's men are now only 30 miles from Rome. Pompey decides to leave Rome in order to regroup as he realizes he cannot fight Caesar with the troops he currently has. Cato, Marcus Tullius Cicero and Scipio argue with Pompey, however he reassures them he knows what he is doing. Outside of Atia's party, a group of Pompeians are gathered outside yelling and screaming. Atia blames Caesar to the crowd of Gaius Octavian, Octavia of the Julii, Servilia of the Junii and Marcus Junius Brutus. She tells them if Caesar was there she would stab him herself. In preparation for their departure, Cornelia tells the household slaves they are to look after the house and Durio tells Pompey the escort is ready. Pompey has Durio go with a group to secure a large amount of gold. After putting the gold chests into a wagon, Durio notices they are going the wrong way and is stabbed and killed by Appius. The soldiers with the gold see Eirene walking and a Legionary grabs her and puts her on his horse. As the crowd outside tries to break down the door Atia decides on the order of who in the household will kill who so they are not raped and murdered by the rabble. Octavian notices the noise has stopped and Timon goes outside to find the crowd gone. The Newsreader reports that Pompey is leaving and those noblemen who stay will be considered enemies of Rome.

People start to blockade their windows and doors and Niobe tells Clarissa she tries to love Lucius. Brutus tells Servilia Pompey has left Rome and they must decide who they will side with. Servilia tells Brutus it is up to him and he decides to side with Pompey. Servilia then tells him she will not leave Rome and will stay so she can be with Caesar and Brutus prepares to leave Rome. Merula tells Atia that Octavia has snuck out of the house. As Timon goes to join Atia in bed she tells him to get his men and then sends them to kill Glabius. Octavia meets Glabius at a hotel staffed by the blind. As Glabius steps outside he is confronted by Timon who then stabs and kills Glabius. The next day Numa and Iolanthe go to Atia and beg for her protection. She has Castor order them to pay 5,000 dinari in order for him and his factories to be protected. Cato asks Pompey where Durio is and Pompey reassures him that Durio will meet them shortly and they will have plenty of money to pay and feed the troops. As Lucius, Titus and the Ubiians are riding to Rome they come across Appius and his men disguised as drovers. Appius tells Lucius, Pompey and his men have fled Rome. Titus asks Appius how much he wants for Eirene and Appius tells him she is not for sale. A battle breaks out when Lucius notices they are wearing soldiers' sandals. Appius escapes, but the rest of his men are killed. Proculus is the next to beg Atia's protection, but they are interrupted when a Maidservant tells Atia, Glabius' body is outside. Octavia goes outside and cries at the corpse of Glabius. Titus asks Lucius if they can go back and search the cart and free Eirene, however Lucius refuses. Atia promises Octavia she had nothing to do with Glabius' death. Lucius arrives in Rome and posts Caesar's declaration on the door of the Senate and then tells Titus he is deserting the Army and going home. He preys at an alter that his wife may love him, while elsewhere Niobe prays at another alter. Lucius tells Niobe she is beautiful and then promises he will try to treat her better. Titus rides back, frees Eirene and discovers the chest of gold. As they near Rome, Mark Antony asks Caesar how he can be so calm and Caesar admits he doesn't feel calm on the inside. Titus Pullo pulls the cart as Caesar's legion crosses into Rome.