In progress

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A trio of scientists become a team of ghostbusters when New York City starts to become infested with ghosts.




Dr. Peter Venkman - Bill Murray

Dr. Raymond Stantz - Dan Aykroyd

Dana Barrett - Sigourney Weaver

Dr. Egon Spengler - Harold Ramis

Louis Tully - Rick Moranis

Janine Melnitz - Annie Potts

Walter Peck - William Atherton

Winston Zeddmore - Ernie Hudson

Mayor - David Marguilies

Male Student - Steven Tash

Female Student - Jennifer Runyon

Gozer - Slavitza Jovan

Hotel Manager - Michael Ensign

Librarian - Alice Drummond

Dean Yeager - Jordan Charney

Violinist - Timothy Carhart

Library Administrator - John Rothman

Archbishop - Tom McDermott

Roger Grimsby - Himself

Larry King - Himself

Joe Franklin - Himself

Casey Kasem - Himself

Fire Commissioner - John Ring

Police Commissioner - Norman Matlock

Police Captain - Joe Cirillo

Police Sergeant - Joe Schmieg

Jail Guard - Reggie Vel Johnson

Real Estate Woman - Rhoda Gemignani

Man at Elevator - Murray Rubin

Con Edison Man - Larry Dilg

Coachman - Danny Stone

Woman at Party - Patty Dworkin

Tall Woman at Party - Jean Kasem

Doorman - Lenny Del Genio

Chambermaid - Frances E. Nealy

Hot Dog Vendor - Sam Moses

TV Reporter - Christopher Wynkoop

Businessman in Cab - Winston May

Mayor's Aide - Tommy Hollis

Louis's Neighbor - Eda Reis Merin

Policeman at Apartment - Rick Mancini

Mrs. Van Hoffman - Kathryn Janssen

Reporters - Stanley Grover, Carol Ann Henry, James Hardy, Frances Turner, and Nancy Kelly

Ted Fleming - Paul Trafas

Annette Fleming - Cheryl Birchenfield

Library Ghost - Ruth Oliver

Dream Ghost - Kym Herrin


Zuul and Vinz Clortho

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

At the New York Public Library, a Librarian is collecting books to re-shelf. She goes down into the basement and as she passes bookcases, books float from one bookcase to another. The card catalog drawers open by themselves and the cards go flying into the air and the Librarian starts to run away. As she turns a corner she sees Library Ghost and screams. Dr. Peter Venkman is conducting a research project with a Male Student and a Female Student. The Students take turns guessing the designs on the back of a set of cards Peter holds up and he zaps them if they guess incorrectly. While the Male Student gets zapped even if he guesses correctly, the Female Student is never zapped by Peter. The Male Student finally gets tired of being zapped and walks out. As Peter is flirting with the Female Student, Dr. Raymond Stantz runs excitedly into the office and tells Peter a ghost was spotted at the New York library and they have to go investigate it. They meet up with Dr. Egon Spengler and then speak with the Library Administrator. They interview the Librarian and then go down into the basement. They find the card catalog drawers full of ectoplasmic residue, which Egon has Peter collect a sample of. They find the Library Ghost and there initial plan is to talk with the ghost, but it shushes Peter. They then decide to charge at it, but it transforms into an even scarier form and they run away. They return to the university and Egon tells the others he thinks they may be able to build a device that catches ghosts. They find their office being cleaned out and Dean Yeager tells them they are all fired. Peter tells Raymond that he thinks they should go into the business of catching ghosts and Raymond takes a third mortgage out on his inherited home. They look for an office and buy and old firehouse shown to them by a Real Estate Woman. As Dana Barrett is walking to her apartment, Louis Tully invites her to his apartment to have some low sodium mineral water. She goes into her apartment and sees a commercial for the Ghostbusters. As she is putting her groceries away, her egg carton lid pops open and the eggs start to cook on the counter. She hears a growling noise from her fridge and opens it up and a large dog like creature says Zuul and Vinz Clortho|Zuul. Raymond drives an old hearse he bought used to the office. Peter asks Janine Melnitz if they have had any customers and then insults her in frustration when she repeatedly tells him no. Dana walks into their office and Peter interviews her about the incident at her apartment, while Egon and Raymond scan her with machines. Raymond offers to go to the Hall of Records to check on construction plans for the building, Egon offers to look up the name Zuul in Tobin's Spirit Guide, while Peter offers to take Dana to her apartment to check it out. Peter and Dana go to her apartment and he uses a portable sniffer as they walk around the apartment. They go into the kitchen, but the fridge is normal. Peter tries to ask Dana, but she rejects him. The Ghostbusters get a call and Janine