Predator 2 (1990)

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A Predator travels to Los Angeles to hunt during a drug war.



Horror, Monster


The Predator - Kevin Peter Hall

Harrigan - Danny Glover

Keyes - Gary Busey

Danny - Ruben Blades

Leona - Maria Conchita Alonso

Jerry - Bill Paxton

Heinemann - Robert Davi

Garber - Adam Baldwin

Captain Pilgrim - Kent McCord

Pope - Morton Downey, Jr.

King Willie - Calvin Lockhart

Sergeant - Steve Kahan

El Scorpio - Henry Kingi

Ramon Vega - Corey Rand

Anna - Elpidia Carrillo

Irene Edwards - Lilyan Chauvin

Gold Tooth - Michael Mark Edmondson

Columbian Girl - Teri Weigel

Subway Gang Leader - William R. Perry

Subway Gang - Alex Chapman, Gerard G. Williams, John Cann, and Michael Papajohn

Patrolman - Lou Eppolito

Charlie - Charlie Haugk

Ruth - Sylvia Kauders

Commuter - Charles David Richards

Juan Beltran - Julian Reyes

Federal Team - Casey Sander, Pat Skipper, and Carmine Zozzora

Reporters - Valerie Karasek, Chuck Boyd, David Starwalt, Abraham Alvarez, Jim Ishida, George Christy, and Lucinda Weist

Paramedics - Richard Anthony Crenna and Billy "Sly" Williams

Detectives - Paulo Tocha and Nick Corri

Hooker - DeLynn Binzel

Officers - Tom Finnegan and Patience Moore

Jamaicans - Kashka and Jeffrey Reed

Cop on Phone - Carl Pistilli

Sweet - Vonte Sweet

Jerome - Ron Moss

Anthony - Brian Levinson

Leona's Friend - Diana James

Woman Officer - Beth Kanar

Cops - Paul Abascal and Michael Wiseman

Scorpions - Thomas Rosales Jr.

King Willie's Boys - Eric Mansker, Vladimir McCrary and Manny Perry

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

In Los Angeles in 1997, The Predator watches a gunfight between the LAPD and members of the Scorpions led by El Scorpio. A Reporter|Reporters is on scene giving a report on the battle when a bullet zips past her and she stops her broadcast. Another Reporter tells the viewers about two motorcycle cops who are bleeding to death on the street between their fellow officers and the Scorpions. Charlie (Predator 2)|Charlie is telling another reporter about his restaurant that was destroyed during the fight when stray gunfire forces him to duck. As two officers try to reach the motorcycle cops uses steel shields, El Scorpio fires a grenade launcher, killing the two officers. Pope gives a report calling the police incompetent and calling on the mayor to declare martial law. Harrigan arrives on scene and asks Danny (Predator 2)|Danny what is going on and Leona tells him they need to reach the motorcycle cops before they bleed to death. Sergeant (Predator 2)|Sergeant tells Harrigan they need an assault vehicle to reach the injured cops. Danny puts some flak jackets on one side of Harrigan's vehicle and Harrigan drives his vehicle towards the Scorpions and provides cover so the injured cops can be pulled to safety. El Scorpio and the other gang members run into their headquarters and arm themselves with higher caliber weapons. Harrigan shoots his way to the entrance of the building and Danny tells him Heinemann ordered them to secure the perimeter and wait for a special unit to arrive. El Scorpio snorts some coke and suddenly the glass ceiling shatters. An explosion rocks the building and Harrigan and his team enter the building along with two Cops (Predator 2)|Cops. El Scorpio runs out of a door and shoots and kills one of the Cops and runs up some stairs towards the roof of the building. Harrigan follows El Scorpio onto the roof and tells El Scorpio to surrender. El Scorpio sees The Predator and starts shooting it and Harrigan shoots El Scorpio in the chest and El Scorpio falls to his death off the roof of the building. Harrigan hears a noise and sees The Predator heavily camouflaged and The Predator disappears. Harrigan and his team investigate the room where the Scorpions were slaughtered and Danny hears glass shattering and sees a body hanging from the ceiling and shows Harrigan. Heinemann arrives and yells at Harrigan for not obeying orders and entering the building. A helicopter lands and Keyes, Garber and the rest of the Federal Team get out and walk towards the building. Pope gives another report telling the details of the Scorpions being wiped out and police again made to look like fools. Harrigan and his team return to the police station. A Cop on Phone tells a lady that complained about a clogged toilet to call a plumber. A Detectives|Detective tells a Hooker, her licence expired while another Detective threatens to beat up a criminal. Woman Officer and another officer is bringing a criminal into the station when the criminal breaks free and heads butt the other officer and Woman Officer knees him in the crotch. Jerry sees Harrigan and runs up to him and Harrigan tells him to wait outside. Harrigan goes into Captain Pilgrim's office and Captain Pilgrim tells him Keyes is in charge of investigating criminal activities dealing with the trafficking of narcotics and Harrigan is to give him his full cooperation. Keyes walks into the office and apologizes to them for taking over and Harrigan sarcastically tells him cooperation is his middle name. Jerry tries to talk with Harrigan again, but Harrigan tells him to wait. Harrigan walks into his office and Danny goes over what happened in El Scorpio's headquarters. Jerry tries to flirt with Leona and she grabs him by the balls and warns her not to do anything stupid that could her killed, like he got his last partner killed. Jerry goes into Harrigan's office and Harrigan tells him the team comes first and welcomes him to the war. Ramon Vega and Columbian Girl are having sex in his penthouse when a group of King Willie's Boys break in including Gold Tooth. Ramon is tied up by his feet from the ceiling and tries to bribe Gold Tooth to leave him alone, but Gold Tooth tells him it is about power. Gold Tooth rips open Ramon's chest. One of King Willie's Boys hears a noise and is killed by The Predator and one by one the rest of them are wiped out including Gold Tooth who is killed by The Predator after The Predator repeats what Gold Tooth had said to Ramon, "shit happens". Later Reporters arrive on site to the massacre at the penthouse. Harrigan and his team arrive at the penthouse and Jerry runs opposition to Pope. Patrolman tells Harrigan he has been inside