Pompey Magnus

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Pompey Magnus


Pompey Magnus is a Consul of the Roman Republic. He was married to Julia until she died in childbirth, and then married Cornelia. He is the father of Quintus Pompey.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 1 The Stolen Eagle played by Kenneth Cranham

Pompey Magnus is at Julia's side when she dies giving birth to a stillborn daughter. He has word sent to Caesar that his daughter has died. During a senate meeting the Curial Magistrate calls on Porcius Cato to speak. Cato accuses Caesar of wanting to rule Rome as a tyrant by buying favor from the people and some senators. Cato calls for Caesar to be called back from Gaul immediately so he can face charges including the charge of treason. Pompey stands up and defends Caesar and refuses to have a vote on Cato's proposal. Marcus Tullius Cicero stands and tells the crowd both Cato is wrong for bringing a powerful Caesar back to Rome and Pompey is wrong for not seeing the danger of Caesar. Pompey ends the meeting by telling the senate he will not betray his friend. At an outdoor theater Scipio introduces his daughter Cornelia to Pompey as a possible replacement for Julia. Cato approaches Pompey and asks to speak alone. He tells Pompey if he wants to defeat Caesar it will require the help of the aristocrats, but Pompey refuses to renounce Caesar. Lyco tells Pompey the white stallion he wanted was purchased by Atia of the Julii and is to be a gift to Caesar. Angry, Pompey tells Sextus he might have him do another job while he is in Gaul. At Servilia's dinner party Marcus Junius Brutus gets drunk and tells the crowd of Pompey, Octavia of the Julii and Glabius of his time in Gaul. Pompey calls Brutus aside and Brutus tells him of the loss of the standard and the lack of support from his army. Pompey is given Sextus' head and a letter from Caesar telling him he will be camping his army closer to Rome. Pompey marries Cornelia and Atia vows revenge against Pompey.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 2 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic played by Kenneth Cranham

Mark Antony arrives in Rome to cheers from the people. Pompey and Cato notice the crowds love for Antony and Cato dismisses it as it is from the lower class. At Atia's home Pompey Magnus, Cicero and Cato meet with Mark Antony. Mark Antony tells Pompey, Caesar wants to make a compromise. He will return if he is given a province to protect him from prosecution, and the senators reject his offer. Pompey tells the other senators he thinks Caesar is bluffing and he isn't as confident as he seems. Pompey and Cicero have a meeting where Pompey tells Cicero he needs his support for a proposal that will be given tomorrow in the Senate by Scipio. At the senate meeting the Curial Magistrate calls on Scipio to speak. Scipio proposes a formal motion that Caesar must return to stand trial or he will be called a public enemy of Rome. A vote is taken and a majority agree to the proposal, before Mark Antony can veto the motion a brawl breaks out ending the meeting. It is agreed that another session will be held and Mark Antony may then veto the proposal. Pompey tells Milo he doesn't want any harm to happen to Mark Antony so he can veto the proposal. Mark Antony's group are walking towards the Senate when Stilicho sees Titus Pullo and attacks him. Titus kills Stilicho and a fight breaks out. Lucius Vorenus is wounded and Pompey walks into the Senate and tells Cato he got what he wanted and now Caesar will march against Rome.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 3 An Owl in the Thornbrush played by Kenneth Cranham

Cato goes to Pompey and asks him if has heard that Caesar has crossed the Rubicon and Pompey recounts a war story which frustrates Cato. A Legionary that escaped the attack by Lucius and Titus reports to Pompey and Cato that Caesar's men are now only 30 miles from Rome. Pompey decides to leave Rome in order to regroup as he realizes he cannot fight Caesar with the troops he currently has. Cato, Marcus Cicero and Scipio argue with Pompey, however he reassures them he knows what he is doing. In preparation for their departure, Cornelia tells the household slaves they are to look after the house and Durio tells Pompey the escort is ready. Pompey has Durio go with a group to secure a large amount of gold. As the wagon of refugees flee Rome, Cato asks Pompey where Durio is and Pompey reassures him that Durio will meet them shortly and they will have plenty of money to pay and feed the troops.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 4 Stealing from Saturn played by Kenneth Cranham

After torturing Appius, Quintus Pompey tells his father that Durio was killed and the gold was taken by Caesar's scouts. Pompey orders Quintus to go to Rome and find the gold. When Quintus is sent back to his camp with an offer of truce by Caesar, Pompey argues with Cicero, Scipio and Brutus. They want to consider the offer, however Pompey and Cato realize they cannot accept the offer.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 5 The Ram has Touched the Wall played by Kenneth Cranham

Pompey sends a letter to Caesar agreeing to the terms of truce he made. When Caesar refuses his offer due to Pompey refusing to meet him, Pompey and the Senate flee to Greece.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 7 Pharsalus played by Kenneth Cranham

Pompey is sitting and eating with Brutus, Cato, Cicero and Scipio, who are already dividing Rome up among their supporters. Pompey wants to starve Caesar's army, however the senators insist he take the attack to Caesar. After the battle of Pharsalus, Pompey's army is routed and Pompey is found wounded by an Officer. Pompey returns to his camp to hear Brutus and Cicero telling the other senators that they intend to surrender to Caesar. Cato and Scipio then tell Pompey that they think it is better if they travel separately from him and they abandon Pompey. Pompey flees with his remaining supporters and the help of Lysandros and his men towards the ocean in order to travel to Egypt. They come across Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo unconscious on the beach, and the two are given water by Lysandros. After Lysandros is killed by Lucius Veronus, Pompey demands to know why and Lucius tells him that him and his family are now captives of him and Titus Pullo. Pompey asks to speak to Lucius and begs him to allow him and his family to leave in peace. In the morning Lucius and Titus leaves and Pompey and his family continue on their way to Egypt. They arrive in Egypt and Pompey is greeted by Lucius Septimius, who promptly stabs Pompey in the stomach and then cuts his head off.