Rosalind Gregory

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Rosalind Gregory


Rosalind Gregory is the assistant to Carter Anderson III.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 5 The Hunted played by Maggie Cooper

At Dominic's hangar, Rosalind arrives and tells Caitlin O'Shannessy she is there to see Dominic. Rosalind then introduces Tony Spandel to Dominic and Dominic starts to introduce Stringfellow Hawke, but Rosalind already knows who he is. She tells Dominic that she would like to contract Santini Air for thirty days to fly company staff when needed. When Hawke asks who is paying, Rosalind tells him Carter Anderson III. Hawke arrives at Anderson's mansion with Tony following closely by. Rosalind drives up to the gate in a golf cart and Hawke tells her they wont be accepting her offer of work. Anderson tells Rosalind to let Hawke in and Hawke follows Rosalind inside. Hawke asks Anderson who wants to kill him and Anderson tells him he has a plan to revitalize factories that are closing and keep the workers employed. Anderson then tells him that he needs him to get him to a meeting to sign paperwork and Hawke agrees to work for him after he learns Anderson knows of Airwolf and knows Michael Coldsmith Briggs III. Dominic and Hawke take Rosalind and Tony to a bar and discuss how the operation will go and later Hawke invites Rosalind to dance. Later, decoys of Anderson leave in different helicopters while the real Anderson and Rosalind fly with Caitlin in a plane. Robert Villers pulls along Caitlin's plane in a Corsair and she calls Hawke for help. Robert starts firing missiles at Caitlin's plane and Hawke and Dominic arrive in Airwolf to help. Robert then starts firing at both Airwolf and Caitlin's plane. Hawke gets behind Robert's Corsair and fires his chain guns, disabling the Corsair. Robert gets on the radio and tells Caitlin he will see her and tells Hawke and Dominic good show and then the Corsair explodes.