Schizoid (1980)

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A column writer's acquaintances are killed one by one and the possible murderer is her psychiatrist, soon to be ex-husband or the psychiatrist's daughter.


Horror, Slasher


Pieter Fales - Klaus Kinski

Alison Fales - Donna Wilkes

Julie - Mariana Hill

Doug - Craig Wasson

Donahue - Richard Herd

Jake - Joe Regalbuto

Gilbert - Christopher Lloyd

Pat - Flo Gerrish

Rosemary - Kiva Lawrence

Francoise - Claude Duvernoy

Sally - Cindy Donlan

Archie - Jon Greene

Barney - David Assael

Freddy - Richard Balin

Willy - Frederic Cook

Maxine - Kathy Garrick

Bruce - Gracia Lee

Fritz - Tobar Mayo

Fritz's Friend - Jonathan Millner

Housekeeper - Frances Nealy

Girl on motorbike - Kimberly Jensen

Boy on motorbike - Jay May

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Julie sits in her apartment typing on her typewriter. The next day someone watches as Julie, Rosemary (Schizoid)|Rosemary, Sally (Schizoid)|Sally, Pat, and Maxine (Schizoid)|Maxine sit in a hot tub together. Julie tells Sally that they will all miss her and wishes her luck. Stripper suggests Rosemary rent a hot tub for the groups therapy sessions with Pieter Fales. They congratulate Julie on getting a divorce and later leave Rosemary's house. Sally and Julie rides their bicycles home and are followed by the same person, in a car, who was spying on them in the hot tub. Julie and Sally go in different directions and the driver follows Sally. Sally rides into an abandoned cloves, wildflower and honey farm and notices the driver following her. She pedals faster, but is knocked off the gravel path by the driver. Sally runs into the abandoned farm house and the killer pulls out a large pair of scissors from his glove box. The driver stalks Sally in the house and she runs into the garage where she is stabbed repeatedly in the stomach and dies. Someone cuts words out and then glues them to a piece of cardstock paper. She briefly talks to Maxine and Freddy about their upcoming deadlines for the day. She opens a piece of mail and it is the paper with the words glued onto it. She reads it aloud to Freddy and the writer threatens to shoot Julie and others. She shows it to Doug, who thinks she should go to the police and it is probably a member of the therapy group she goes to. He blames the therapy group for their divorce and she asks if the divorce papers came in. He shows her some wall paper he plans on using to decorate the new art department with. As she is hurrying to her therapy group, Gilbert (Schizoid)|Gilbert tells her he is going to be working at her building the next day. Pieter watches as Alison Fales undresses in the bathroom. He walks over and tells her she was out late again and that it is dangerous. During therapy, Gilbert tells the group how lonely he is and how angry he gets knowing others have somewhere else to go. Pieter asks Gilbert what he does when he gets angry and Gilbert says he either goes for long walks or drives. Francoise tells Gilbert, the group is there for him, but he says no one is there for him in the middle of the night. Other guy in group tells Francoise having a significant other makes it easier to deal with the loneliness.