Thomas Hartnell

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Thomas Hartnell


Thomas Hartnell is an able seaman on the HMS Terror in the Discovery Service for the British Royal Navy.

During the events of The Terror: Season 1 Episode 1 Go for Broke played by Jack Colgrave Hirst

William Strong tells Hartnell and Sgt. Solomon Tozer that Neptune has been barking all night and Hartnell thinks he hears something. Hartnell borrows a spyglass from Tozer and then tells him to wake up Thomas Blanky. John Franklin gives a speech to the crew about how they will soon accomplish their journey. Six days later, both ships are stuck in the ice and the next morning they wake up to be surrounded by continuous ice.

During the events of The Terror: Season 1 Episode 2 Gore played by Jack Colgrave Hirst

Spring, 1847, Lt. Graham Gore's group, consisting of Henry Goodsir, Hartnell, John Morfin, Charles Des Voeux, Henry Peglar, Charles Best and Sgt. Daniel Bryant, heads towards King William Island. Goodsir mentions that Dr. MacDonald lent him his journal about his experience meeting a group of Inuk. Gore's group makes it to the edge of the ice shelf. They leave their boat behind and climb over the ice shelf onto King William Island. They walk to the cairn of Sir James Ross and Gore leaves a message behind indicating they are doing well. Gore and Bryant go towards the second cairn while the rest of the group retrieve the boat. Goodsir and the others return to the boat and find it overturned and their supplies scattered. Des Voeux thinks a bear did it, and Goodsir worries there might be more than one. Gore's group is forced inside their tents when they are bombarded by large hail. While they are huddled in their tents, they hear a creature roar. Bryant tells the others, he and Gore were being tracked by a bear. He tells everyone to grab a rifle and when he sees a shadow, shoots at it, hitting a Shaman. Goodsir is called over and finds Lady Silence crying over the wounded Shaman. She starts to say something and worriedly looks around. The others run towards the wounded Shaman, leaving Gore behind. As Goodsir watches, the Tuunbaq charges at Gore and kills him.