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Brastias is a knight in Britain.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 1 Homecoming played by Diarmaid Murtagh

King Arthur, Merlin and Kay arrive at Camelot and they walk into the great hall of Camelot and meet the warriors who have sworn allegiance to Arthur, Ulfius, Leontes, Brastias, and Pellinor among others including Uriens. Leontes tells Arthur that King Uther was a great man and they give their loyalty to him. King Lot and Morgan arrive at the castle and Morgan denies that Arthur is Uther's son. Queen Igraine walks into the hall and says that Arthur is her and Uther's son and Lot and Morgan leave. Morgan, Lot, Scotland and others arrive with their armies and Morgan tells Arthur to leave or he will lose everything. Arthur demands their allegiance and respect and Lot has the body of Lot's Outrider brought into the hall and tells Arthur that the Outrider was his eldest son. Arthur's Foster Mother is brought into the hall and Lot stabs her dead. Lot tells Arthur that he has five days or his family and friends will be slaughtered.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 2 The Sword and the Crown played by Diarmaid Murtagh

Arthur has his coronation ceremony and the Archbishop crowns Arthur king. During the party, Arthur is sitting next to Brastias when he sees Guinevere and walks over to her. Later, Arthur notices suspicious men in hoods and a battle breaks out. Pellinor is killed by Lot who then fights Ector. Lot fatally stabs Ector, who then sticks a dagger through Lot's neck.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 3 Guinevere played by Diarmaid Murtagh

Brastias and Ulfius play a game with Leontes in celebration of his wedding to Guinevere.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 4 Lady of the Lake played by Diarmaid Murtagh

The day after the wedding, Arthur angrily tells Brastias to get all the warriors out of bed and to tell Gawain to start training them right away. Gawain asks Arthur what he and his warriors are fighting for and Arthur tells him freedom. Gawain tells Arthur to show him how he fights, easily beats him and breaks Arthur's sword. Merlin says that Arthur needs a sword fit for a king and Gawain suggests he get a sword from Caliburn. Gawain continues to train Arthur's warriors and while training Kay, cuts him in the arm with a blade on his shield. As Arthur chastises Gawain, Gawain pulls out a knife and puts it to his throat. Kay, Leontes, Brastias, and Ulfius pull their swords on Gawain, who releases Arthur. Later, Arthur goes to the training grounds and challenges Leontes to a fight as the other warriors watch. Leontes wins, but when he is walking away, Arthur kicks him in the back and puts a knife to his throat and says to never give in. Merlin returns with the sword and tells the others that he found Caliburn dead and rode to a lake where he saw an arm sticking out of the lake holding the sword and that its name is Excalibur.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 5 Justice played by Diarmaid Murtagh

Arthur's tribunal starts and Ewan is the first to speak and says that Wade was a good man, while Colfur is a trouble maker. Arthur asks Ewan why the fight started and Colfur tells him that he hit Wade first. Ewan says that Colfur rented the land and owed tithes. Colfur refuses to answer why he attacked Wade and Arthur calls for a break in the tribunal. Gawain and Leontes believe Colfur is guilty, but Kay thinks there is something else going on. The tribunal begins again and Colfur tells the whole story and he is banished from Exham.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 6 Three Journeys played by Diarmaid Murtagh

Brastias, Ulfius, Leontes, Gawain and Kay are putting up banners with the Pendragon logo on them when Merlin rides up and tells them that they are going to Kay's old home to retrieve Ector's books.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 7 The Long Night played by Diarmaid Murtagh

Arthur, Kay, Igraine, Merlin, Guinevere, Leontes, Gawain, Brastias, Ulfius, and Bridget ride to Morgan's castle. During the feast Arthur's men get drunk and Morgan offers her love and devotion to Arthur. Dancers start dancing in front of the group and at the end of the dance stick swords in front of the diners. The Dancers leave with most of Arthur's men except, Arthur himself, and Leontes. Gawain goes back to watch over Arthur and the castle suddenly is attacked by flaming arrows. Everyone gathers for a meeting and Morgan wonders who is attacking her and Merlin thinks Aldwulf, a warrior king from the east might be behind the attack.Harwel, who was part of a scouting group, returns wounded and says that Aldwulf is preparing to attack. Morgan sends some of her soldiers out of the castle, leaving even fewer people to defend the castle. Guinevere offers to fight and Brastias and the other warriors help her, Bridget and the Dancers how to fight. In the morning, Morgan's Captain returns and says that they defeated Aldwulf's men. Arthur and the others ride back to Camelot.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 8 Igraine played by Diarmaid Murtagh

While Arthur, Kay, Gawain, Leontes, Brastias and Ulfius are riding, Brastias tells them one of the Dancers told him that she would visit him. They separate into two groups to go hunting and decide to have a competition on what group catches more food. Arthur and Leontes shoot come pheasants, while Gawain, Brastias and Ulfius catch a stag. Arthur and his group discuss having a representative from each villager that can represent their village's cause to Camelot. During the night, Leontes is woken up by a large snarling wolf. In the morning, he tells the others about the wolf and tells them that the wolf spared him, because it has a purpose for him.