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== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man)]] played by [[Ray Stevenson]] ==
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man)]] played by [[Ray Stevenson]] ==
Titus wakes up next to Gaia to the sounds of a crowd of people shouting. He walks outside and declares to the crowd that there is no more food to give out that day and if he were to give them anymore food then they would then starve tomorrow.  Mascius, Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger and the boy Lucius walk up to Titus and he sends them away after telling them he needs to speak with Mascius.  Mascius tells Titus they only have enough food for tens days of rations. Mascius also tells Titus that the Baker's Guild was offering 600 for a sack of grain.  Titus drops a hunk of meat into a cage holding a disheveled Memmio. Gaia asks why he keeps Memmio and doesn't just kill him and he tells her seeing Memmio reminds him to stay honest.  Titus goes to see Octavian and tells him the state of things.  [[Gaius Maecenas]] suggests the people eat dogs, and Titus tells them there are no more dogs to eat. Agrippa suggests sending some of the military to Africa so that Lepidus will have to feed them and Octavian agrees and then tells Titus he will send some grain to him and asks Titus who the people blame for the famine and Titus tells Octavian that the people blame him and not Mark Antony.  Octavian has a meeting with Titus in which [[Posca]] gives Titus, Lucius' request to kiss his children. Octavian then asks Titus to join him on his campaign in Egypt so that he may have a chance to convince Lucius to talk sense with Mark Antony.  Titus gives a speech telling Acerbo, Barca and the others that there will be no extortion or other thievery while he is away, unless Mascius orders it under threat of sharing the fate of Memmio.  Gaia asks Titus to take her with him, but he refuses.  While he is about to eat he notices Memmio missing from his cage and is attacked by Memmio. Before Memmio can stab Titus, Gaia attacks Memmio and Memmio stabs Gaia. Gaia then crushes Memmio's head with a goblet. As Gaia is dying, she tells Titus that she poisoned Eirene and Titus strangles her to death. He then drops her body in an overgrown channel and walks away.
Titus wakes up next to Gaia to the sounds of a crowd of people shouting. He walks outside and declares to the crowd that there is no more food to give out that day and if he were to give them anymore food then they would then starve tomorrow.  Mascius, Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger and the boy Lucius walk up to Titus and he sends them away after telling them he needs to speak with Mascius.  Mascius tells Titus they only have enough food for tens days of rations. Mascius also tells Titus that the Baker's Guild was offering 600 for a sack of grain.  Titus drops a hunk of meat into a cage holding a disheveled Memmio. Gaia asks why he keeps Memmio and doesn't just kill him and he tells her seeing Memmio reminds him to stay honest.  Titus goes to see Octavian and tells him the state of things.  [[Gaius Maecenas]] suggests the people eat dogs, and Titus tells them there are no more dogs to eat. Agrippa suggests sending some of the military to Africa so that Lepidus will have to feed them and Octavian agrees and then tells Titus he will send some grain to him and asks Titus who the people blame for the famine and Titus tells Octavian that the people blame him and not Mark Antony.  Octavian has a meeting with Titus in which [[Posca]] gives Titus, Lucius' request to kiss his children. Octavian then asks Titus to join him on his campaign in Egypt so that he may have a chance to convince Lucius to talk sense with Mark Antony.  Titus gives a speech telling Acerbo, Barca and the others that there will be no extortion or other thievery while he is away, unless Mascius orders it under threat of sharing the fate of Memmio.  Gaia asks Titus to take her with him, but he refuses.  While he is about to eat he notices Memmio missing from his cage and is attacked by Memmio. Before Memmio can stab Titus, Gaia attacks Memmio and Memmio stabs Gaia. Gaia then crushes Memmio's head with a goblet. As Gaia is dying, she tells Titus that she poisoned Eirene and Titus strangles her to death. He then drops her body in an overgrown channel and walks away.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)]] played by [[Ray Stevenson]] ==
[[Emmissary]] tells Octavian that Mark Antony will retire from public life if Octavian allows Cleopatra and her children to stay in power in Egypt. Octavian rejects Mark Antony's offer and insists he and Cleopatra surrender to him. Octavian tells the Emmissary to look for Lucius and to offer safety to him if he betrays Mark Antony. Before the Emmissary leaves, Titus Pullo gives him the phrase "his children are well and I hope my child is well also" to tell to Lucius so he will know Titus is in Egypt.  Titus finds a picture of Atia in the deceased Mark Antony's helmet and is ordered by Octavian to find Lucius and [[Caesarion]].  Titus finds Lucius and Caesarion camping and meets his son.  Lucius and Titus discuss how to escape and Lucius tells Titus that he plans on heading East as a mercenary.  While traveling, Lucius and Titus come across a control point manned by [[Centurion Varro]]. After he orders them to go ahead, Centurion Varro asks apologies from Caesarion in his language and Caesarion responds. A battle then erupts and Lucius and Titus kill Centurion Varro and the other legionaries, however Lucius is stabbed in the back. Titus bring Lucius to the Collegium and tells Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger, the boy Lucius and Lyde that Lucius is dying.  Titus returns to Octavian and tells him he killed Caesarion, but Lucius died. Titus then walks with Caesarion and begins to tell him his true heritage.

Revision as of 16:04, 25 May 2019

Titus Pullo


Titus Pullo is a legionary in the 13th Legion of the Roman Army.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 1 The Stolen Eagle played by Ray Stevenson

During the final battle against the Gauls, Lucius Vorenus is forced to retrieve a drunk Titus Pullo who has broken ranks. Back at camp Lucius has Titus whipped and condemns him to die in the gladiatorial stadium. After the victory against the Gauls, Prisoner tells Titus the war is over and Caesar is allowing his troops to loot the villages, which saddens Titus as he didn't want the war to end. Antony's Tribune goes into Titus Pullo's cell and informs him he will be joining Lucius Vorenus on the mission to retrieve the eagle standard. As they are riding Titus thanks Lucius for taking him on the mission and Lucius informs him he didn't do it as a favor, but knowing the odds of them finding the standard were low, he decided to take a condemned man along so as not to ruin the career of a good soldier. While Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are camping Titus falls asleep during watch and their horses are stolen. They see a group of people walking while also using Gaius Octavian to pull a cart. They kill the men and find out they were the Spaniards who stole the standard. They also find Sextus amongst the group holding the standard. Sextus strikes Pullo with the standard and tries to run away but is impaled and killed by a spear thrown by Lucius. They return to camp with the standard and Octavian.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 2 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic played by Ray Stevenson

Titus Pullo, Lucius Vorenus and Octavian are sent to accompany Mark Antony on his return to Rome. As they wait for Mark Antony to finish having sex with a Peasant Woman, Lucius appears nervous of returning home. Antony arrives in Rome to cheers from the people. Antony tells Lucius and Titus to return Octavian to his mother Atia of the Julii. Castor announces to Atia, Octavian is home. Octavian introduces Lucius and Titus and insists they be allowed to stay for dinner. During dinner there is a discussion about politics where Lucius argues the preservation of the Republic is the most important factor while Titus thinks Caesar should ride into Rome and take over. Lucius and Titus awkwardly part ways and Lucius returns home. Titus enters a bar and sits down to play dice with a couple of Pompeian supporters, Stilicho and Tarquin. Titus continues to lose in dice and Tarquin begins to insult him and his luck. As Titus loses his last bit of money he grabs Tarquin's hand and opens it revealing he has been using loaded dice the entire game. Titus stabs Tarquin through the throat with his knife and a fight breaks out. Later, Titus barges into Lucius' house and collapses. A Doctor arrives and cuts open Titus' skull to relieve pressure. Titus is called forth to guard Mark Antony's return to the senate. Mark Antony's group are walking towards the Senate when Stilicho sees Titus and attacks him. Titus kills Stilicho and a fight breaks out. Mark Antony returns to camp and Caesar parades him in front of the troops as a justified reason to invade Rome beyond Caesar being declared an enemy of Rome. Titus is awarded for his bravery with a bag of coins. Caesar and his men cross the Rubicon into Italy.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 3 An Owl in the Thornbrush played by Ray Stevenson

Caesar orders Lucius to take Titus and a group of Ubiians to Rome to post a proclamation on the Senate door. At their campfire, Lucius asks Titus how to get Niobe to love him and Titus gives him advice. Lucius, Titus and the Ubiians come across a group of Pompey's outriders. Titus ignores their orders not to attack and he and the Ubiians charge the camp, quickly defeating Pompey's men who appear to be young and inexperienced. As Lucius, Titus and the Ubiians get closer to Rome they come across Appius and his men disguised as drovers. Appius tells Lucius, Pompey Magnus and his men have fled Rome. Titus asks Appius how much he wants for Eirene and Appius tells him she is not for sale. A battle breaks out when Lucius notices they are wearing soldiers' sandals. Appius escapes, but the rest of his men are killed. Titus asks Lucius if they can go back and search the cart and free Eirene, however Lucius refuses. Lucius arrives in Rome and posts Caesar's declaration on the door of the Senate and then tells Titus he is deserting the Army and going home. Titus rides back, frees Eirene and discovers the chest of gold.

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During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 4 Stealing from Saturn played by Ray Stevenson

Lucius and Niobe are being threatened by Quintus Pompey, Volpe and a group of Syrians when Titus Pullo arrives on a litter with Eirene and walks into Lucius' courtyard. Quintus draws his sword and Titus distracts the Syrians by throwing coins into the air. Volpe and the Syrians are killed and Quintus is tied up. Titus wants to go back, take the gold and sail away, but Lucius orders him to return it and bring Quintus to Caesar. Titus Pullo hands over Quintus to Caesar and tells him of how he found the gold and where he buried it. Caesar tells Quintus he is sending him back to Pompey with an offer of truce. Caesar tells Mark Antony to take Titus Pullo and to get the gold and also to give 100 pieces to Titus. Days later, Titus walks into Lucius' home and finds Evander Pulchio asking Niobe to tell him she loves Lucius.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 5 The Ram has Touched the Wall played by Ray Stevenson

When Titus wakes up from being drunk, he walks into the house of Lucius and asks for some water. Lucius tells him he is drinking too much and Titus remembers he left Eirene alone at the bar he was at the night before. Titus and Lucius return to the bar and retrieve Eirene after Lucius pays the African Barkeep the remainder of Titus' bar tab. They decide to keep Eirene at the house of Lucius as a slave while Titus is away at war. Titus is hired by Atia to train Gaius in the manly arts. He teaches Gaius how to fight with the sword and shield, but Gaius quits for the day in frustration. Titus asks Gaius for advice and tells him about his suspicions about Niobe and Evander Pulchio. Gaius tells Titus they have to know for sure before telling Lucius anything. They later kidnap Evander and torture him. When Evander admits that he had an affair with Niobe and the child Lucius is his, Titus stabs and kills him and then dumps his body into the sewage canal. Gaius tells Titus to never tell Lucius of what they learned.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 6 Egeria played by Ray Stevenson

After hearing about Lyde sulking about her missing husband Evander, Titus goes to her and tells her he heard Evander had amassed gambling debts and was killed. Titus is told to bring Octavian to a whore house by Atia and he brings him to a fancy whore house run by Madame where Octavian picks out a prostitute named Egeria. After the 13th Legion is mobilized by Mark Antony, Titus says bye to Eirene and gives her a totem.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 7 Pharsalus played by Ray Stevenson

Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo crawl onto the beach of a deserted island after their ship is destroyed. Lucius takes the time to carve a final note on a rock with his sword while Titus believes fate will save them once again. Titus wonders when he gets to heaven how he will find his dead mother and if she will recognize him. Lucius notices a body floating in the ocean and then he and Titus Pullo build a raft from the remains of dead soldiers and pieces of wood. They take the raft out into the ocean and eventually arrive on the shores of Greece where they are found by Pompey Magnus and his people. At camp during the night Lysandros approaches Lucius and Titus and makes them an offer to kill Pompey and take his family as slaves. Lucius angrily tells Lysandros to run away and when he does not, he stabs him through the throat. Pompey approaches them and asks why Lysandros was killed and Lucius tells him that he and his family are his and Titus' captives. In the morning Lucius and Titus take a horse and then leave Pompey and his family, much to the dismay of Titus. They make it to Caesar's camp and Caesar is enraged when he finds out that Lucius allowed Pompey to go free.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 8 Caesarion played by Ray Stevenson

Caesar sends Lucius Vorenus to find Cleopatra and Lucius leaves with Titus Pullo. They hide outside of Alexandria and wait for a hint of where Cleopatra may be found. Lucius sees Nubian Soldier and two others ride past them and he and Titus Pullo follow them. Cleopatra is about to be killed by Nubian Soldier when Lucius and Titus kills him and the other two men. Later that night, Charmian tells Lucius to follow her and then tells her to have sex with Cleopatra. Lucius refuses and then sends in Titus to do the deed. Lucius and Titus eventually sneak Cleopatra and Charmian into Alexandria and into Caesar's camp. Nine months later when Caesar brings out Cleopatra's baby son, Titus yells loudly.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 9 Utica played by Ray Stevenson

Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus return to Rome and Titus is surprised to learn that Eirene has learned to speak Latin and he gives her a bracelet from Egypt. He joins Lucius at Niobe and Lyde's butcher shop and backs Lucius when Lucius confronts Pertinax and Urbo. When Erastes Fulmen threatens to kill Lucius, Titus stays behind to support him. Later, after Lucius is made a magistrate, Titus gets drunk and calls out for Eirene. When she comes, he tells her about his mother, who was a slave.

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During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 10 Triumph played by Ray Stevenson

Titus goes to where the 13th Legion are waiting to try and march with them during the Triumph. Centurion tells him that he is no longer a soldier and that he cannot march with them and after Titus angrily yells at the Centurion, the 13th Legion leaves him. He goes to Lucius and tells him that after feeling down, he has decided to marry Eirene and move to the countryside and asks for a loan which Lucius gives him. They then go to the Register of Slaves where they pay a Clerk who insultingly suggests that Titus cannot spell his own name, which Titus does. Titus then goes to Lucius' home and tells Eirene she is free and gives her a dress to try on. Oedipus approaches Titus and thanks him for freeing Eirene. Oedipus then tells Titus that he and Eirene plan on getting married and as thanks for freeing her, they plan on taking Pullo as their name. Titus then kills Oedipus by slamming his head into a pillar. When Lucius asks him why he did it, Titus explains the situation and then questions why Lucius is a supporter of Caesar when Lucius used to call Caesar a tyrant. Titus is then banned from coming to Lucius' home after he refuses to fight Lucius and he walks away after awkwardly telling Eirene he is sorry. He then gets drunk at a bar and is approached by Erastes Fulman who offers him a job.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 11 The Spoils played by Ray Stevenson

Titus stalks a man and then murders him in front of others. Titus is sleeping in an inn when Prostitute 1 and another prostitute rob him of jewelry. He leaves his room and walks to a table where Erastes Fulmen, Pertinax and Urbo are sitting. He asks for more work and Erastes tells him that he lacks discretion in his killings. Erastes then tells Titus to come back tomorrow and Urbo will show him his next target. Titus asks Erastes to lend him some money, which Erastes does before telling him to drink somewhere else as the place they are in is for decent citizens and Pertinax laughs. The next day Urbo points out Titus' next target, Aufidius Dento. Titus walks up to Aufidius and stabs him in front of Aufidius' friends and Old Weaver. Old Weaver then follows Titus as he walks away screaming murderer to him. Titus is arrested and thrown in jail. Priscus Maevius goes to Titus and tells him if he tells the court who paid him to murder Aufidius they may go lighter on him, but he refuses. He also refuses to make excuses for his need for money. Titus is brought to court where Court Lictor states Titus' crime to the crowd. The Presiding Magistrate calls for the first speaker and Accusator Nigidius speaks for the murdered Aufidius. Priscus goes next and gives a weak defense when he tells the Presiding Magistrate he doesn't deny Titus' guilt and Titus is condemned to death in the arena. Titus makes an offering of a roach to the gods to protect Eirene and Lucius and his family. Titus is brought to the arena and is faced by three gladiators, while the crowd boos him and Lucius watches. Gladiator 1 orders Titus to stand up and fight them, which Titus refuses to do until Gladiator 2 starts to insult the 13th Legion. Titus then fights and kills Gladiator 2 by slamming his shield onto his neck while he is lying on the ground, removing his head. Titus then cuts off Gladiator 1's arm and he bleeds out. He starts to yell 13 as another group of gladiators attack Titus and he kills them also. An old gladiator with one good eye walks out to the arena next. He is about to kill Titus when Lucius jumps into the arena yelling 13. Lucius kills the gladiator then carries Titus out of the arena.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 12 Kalends of February played by Ray Stevenson

Titus wakes up in the hospital to find Artist sitting nearby. He grabs Artist and demands to know what he is doing and Artist tells him that he is drawing a quick sketch for a mural he has been paid to paint. Artist then tells Titus that he and Lucius are famous in Rome for their heroic fight against the gladiators and there probably isn't a woman in Rome who wouldn't open her doors to him. Titus escapes from the hospital, steals a horse and rides towards Rome. He falls off of the horse and is brought to the home of Lucius Vorenus. In the morning, Eirene arrives to tend Titus bandages and feed him. Before she does, she spits into the porridge in front of him, which Titus eats anyways. Rubio cuts Titus' binding and he walks out into Rome. He calls to Venus and tells her who he is. They eventually return back to Lucius' home and Titus awkwardly tells Venus goodbye when he notices Eirene staring at them. Titus tells Eirene he is going to the country for the day and he invites her to come with him. As Titus is walking around Rome he sees a mural of him and Lucius fighting a gladiator. Titus makes an offering to the gods for forgiveness in the countryside and walks with Eirene.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 1 Passover played by Ray Stevenson

Titus gives Eirene a flower wreath he made and asks Eirene to marry him and she accepts. Horseman rides near the village that Titus and Eirene are eating at, and when Titus hears the man yell that Caesar is dead, he knocks Horseman off of his horse, jumps on the horse and rides away with Eirene. Titus and Eirene return to Lucius' home to find Lucius still in a daze and everyone else gone. Lucius tells Titus he cursed his family to hell and Titus tries to comfort him. Octavian tells Titus how Lucius was tricked into leaving Caesar and asks Titus for forgiveness in telling Octavia of the Julii what he knew about Niobe and Titus offers to get vengeance for Octavian. Titus witnesses as Niobe's body is burnt in a pyre. Titus and Lucius go to Erastes' headquarters and proceed to kill all of Erastes' men. When Erastes tells Lucius that he raped and murdered Lucius' family, Lucius cuts off Erastes' head. Titus and Lucius then walk down the street with Lucius carrying Erastes' head.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 2 Son of Hades played by Ray Stevenson

Lucius Vorenus, carrying Erastes Fulmen's head, and Titus return to Lucius' home and Lucius falls onto his bed. Eirene asks Titus to speak with Lucius, and Titus brings him a bowl of porridge while Lucius continues to just sit in bed with Erastes' head rotting on the floor. Titus Pullo asks Mark Antony for advice concerning Lucius Vorenus and Mark Antony goes to Lucius' home and demands he take over Erastes Fulmen's role in recompense for his failures after throwing Erastes' head out of the house. A meeting is held between the captains of Aventine and Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo arrive and Lucius introduces himself to the leaders including Memmio, Hannibal Cotta, Acerbo, Gaul Boss, Veteran Boss and Quintus Boss. Titus tells Lucius he doesn't like the methods he is taking, but Lucius insists he is doing it for the good of the Republic. Titus interview Gaia and hires her to supervise the prostitutes.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 3 These Being the Words of Marcus Tullius Cicero played by Ray Stevenson

Titus is playing dice with Mascius and Appius when Lucius orders Mascius to deal with some business. Titus attends a meeting between Lucius, Memmio and Carbo in which they demand justice on Quintus Bubo for paying a nephew of Carbo's to perform oral sex on him. Lucius denies their request for justice on the grounds that Carbo's nephew was paid. He then tells Titus, who disagreed with him in front of Memmio and Carbo, to never question his authority again. Quintus Bubo and Mrs. Bubo enter Lucius' headquarters and he is told that Memmio's men castrated Quintus Bubo. Lucius blames Titus for Memmio disobeying him due to Titus publicly questioning Lucius. He then sends Mascius to punish Carbo after Titus refuses and wile arguing with Lucius, Titus accidentally lets slip that he knew Niobe had an affair with Evander Pulchio. Later Titus returns to speak with Lucius Vorenus and apologizes, but Lucius tells him he forgives him. Lucius declares war on Memmio after Memmio's men kill Appius. Titus and Lucius then get into a physical fight after Lucius accuses Titus of having sex with Niobe. Titus and Eirene then leave Lucius and Rome. Titus and Eirene return to Rome and find Lucius went north with Mark Antony and Mascius in charge of the collegia. As Titus and Eirene are walking away they come across Lyde who tells them the children are still alive. Titus then rides a horse in a hurry out of Rome.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 4 Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare) played by Ray Stevenson

Titus Pullo goes to the battle site at Mutinae and while searching for Lucius Vorenus he comes across a much different Octavian. They greet each other and after Octavian gives Agrippa credit for winning the battle Titus tells Octavian he is looking for Lucius who fought for Mark Antony. Octavian gives Titus a scroll with his personal seal and tells him where he might find Lucius. Titus finds Lucius and tells him his children are still alive. Titus tells Lucius that he only told Lucius he had sex with Niobe to make him angry and Lucius tells him he knows. At night, Titus tells Lucius that when he frees Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger and Lucius that they will be different. Titus and Lucius ride up to the Overseer of the slave camp who directs them to the Procurator's office. They speak to the Procurator and Titus hands him the letter from Octavian. One by one Lucius finds his children including Vorena the Elder who was being used as a prostitute. Before leaving, Lucius stabs and kills the Procurator and Titus retrieves the sword from the Procurator's back.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 5 Heroes of the Republic played by Ray Stevenson

Titus, Lucius, Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger and the child Lucius journey back home to Rome and just outside of Rome, come across a road block manned by Soldier 1 who tells them it is on orders of Octavian. Titus and Lucius return to the Collegium and Titus resumes his position as second in command. Eirene tells Titus she is upset with him because she thinks he loves Lucius more than he loves her, but he reassure her that if she and Lucius were drowning he would save her as she weighs half as much as Lucius does. Titus visits Octavian to congratulate his success and Octavian asks for peace in Rome between the rival captains. At dinner with Titus, Eirene and the children, Lucius holds a toast for family.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 6 Philippi played by Ray Stevenson

Lucius tells Titus Pullo that he will be the one to kill Marcus Tullius Cicero at his villa in Tusculum. Eirene sees Gaia flirting with Titus and asks where he is going and what Gaia was doing. Titus suggests to Lucius that they make a picnic of the trip to Tusculum and Lucius agrees. Titus approaches Cicero at his villa and Tyro threatens Titus with a rusty sword and Cicero tells Tyro to put the sword away. Cicero tells Tyro that he will be freed in his will and Titus kills Cicero after asking him if he can have some of Cicero's peaches. Titus returns and gives Lucius the bag of peaches. Later, Titus nails Cicero's hands to the Senate door. Titus tells Lucius that he wishes he was about to go to war with Octavian and he doesn't think he will be able to adapt to peace. Eirene sees Titus polishing his helmet and tells him that she is pregnant.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 7 Death Mask played by Ray Stevenson

Titus wants to make love with Eirene, but she tells him it isn't good for the baby. Titus discovers an Old Man using a counterfeit token to get free food and kicks him out of line. Titus show Lucius the fake token and accuses Memmio of making them, but Lucius decides not to do anything as feeding the hungry is good no matter where they are from. Eirene barges in and tells Titus he must beat Gaia and storms out. Titus finds Gaia and threatens to whip her. They then have rough sex and afterwards Titus tells Gaia they can't do it again. Gaia brings food to Eirene and walks with a limp and Eirene tells Titus he should beat Gaia the same way every month.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 8 A Necessary Fiction played by Ray Stevenson

Lucius has a meeting with Titus Pullo and Mascius where he tells them of his plan to take the gold shipment by road instead of by ship, which he told Octavian and Mark Antony. During the night, Eirene has a miscarriage and after telling Titus she wants to be buried with their baby, she dies. Titus and Lucius leave with the body of Eirene and the baby. They then dig a grave and bury Eirene and her baby. Lucius checks on Titus and is told by Gaia that he hasn't eaten or drank any water in two days. Titus guesses that Memmio was the one that stole the gold and thinks Mascius colluded with Memmio. Lucius and Titus question Mascius about the ambush and as they do Vorena the Younger chases after Lucius the boy who is holding one of the dolls Omnipor gave Vorena the Elder. Titus accuses Mascius of being in on the ambush and as he is about to kill Mascius, Luicus recognizes the doll Lucius the boy held is similar to one he saw Omnipor holding earlier. Lucius grabs Vorena the Elder and starts to strangle her but walks away after Titus points out that the other children are watching. Lucius tells Titus goodbye and to tell the children he tried. Memmio, Gaul Boss, Veteran Boss and Hannibal Cotta and their men approach the Collegiate and confront Titus and the collegiate men and Quintus Boss and his men. Memmio calls out to Titus and calls for a parlay. Titus holds out his hand and as Memmio sticks out his, Titus grabs it and pulls Memmio towards him and bites out his tongue. Titus then throws his axe, killing Omnipor. The battle begins and Titus, Mascius, Gaia and Quintus Boss slaughter the others.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) played by Ray Stevenson

Titus wakes up next to Gaia to the sounds of a crowd of people shouting. He walks outside and declares to the crowd that there is no more food to give out that day and if he were to give them anymore food then they would then starve tomorrow. Mascius, Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger and the boy Lucius walk up to Titus and he sends them away after telling them he needs to speak with Mascius. Mascius tells Titus they only have enough food for tens days of rations. Mascius also tells Titus that the Baker's Guild was offering 600 for a sack of grain. Titus drops a hunk of meat into a cage holding a disheveled Memmio. Gaia asks why he keeps Memmio and doesn't just kill him and he tells her seeing Memmio reminds him to stay honest. Titus goes to see Octavian and tells him the state of things. Gaius Maecenas suggests the people eat dogs, and Titus tells them there are no more dogs to eat. Agrippa suggests sending some of the military to Africa so that Lepidus will have to feed them and Octavian agrees and then tells Titus he will send some grain to him and asks Titus who the people blame for the famine and Titus tells Octavian that the people blame him and not Mark Antony. Octavian has a meeting with Titus in which Posca gives Titus, Lucius' request to kiss his children. Octavian then asks Titus to join him on his campaign in Egypt so that he may have a chance to convince Lucius to talk sense with Mark Antony. Titus gives a speech telling Acerbo, Barca and the others that there will be no extortion or other thievery while he is away, unless Mascius orders it under threat of sharing the fate of Memmio. Gaia asks Titus to take her with him, but he refuses. While he is about to eat he notices Memmio missing from his cage and is attacked by Memmio. Before Memmio can stab Titus, Gaia attacks Memmio and Memmio stabs Gaia. Gaia then crushes Memmio's head with a goblet. As Gaia is dying, she tells Titus that she poisoned Eirene and Titus strangles her to death. He then drops her body in an overgrown channel and walks away.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father) played by Ray Stevenson

Emmissary tells Octavian that Mark Antony will retire from public life if Octavian allows Cleopatra and her children to stay in power in Egypt. Octavian rejects Mark Antony's offer and insists he and Cleopatra surrender to him. Octavian tells the Emmissary to look for Lucius and to offer safety to him if he betrays Mark Antony. Before the Emmissary leaves, Titus Pullo gives him the phrase "his children are well and I hope my child is well also" to tell to Lucius so he will know Titus is in Egypt. Titus finds a picture of Atia in the deceased Mark Antony's helmet and is ordered by Octavian to find Lucius and Caesarion. Titus finds Lucius and Caesarion camping and meets his son. Lucius and Titus discuss how to escape and Lucius tells Titus that he plans on heading East as a mercenary. While traveling, Lucius and Titus come across a control point manned by Centurion Varro. After he orders them to go ahead, Centurion Varro asks apologies from Caesarion in his language and Caesarion responds. A battle then erupts and Lucius and Titus kill Centurion Varro and the other legionaries, however Lucius is stabbed in the back. Titus bring Lucius to the Collegium and tells Vorena the Elder, Vorena the Younger, the boy Lucius and Lyde that Lucius is dying. Titus returns to Octavian and tells him he killed Caesarion, but Lucius died. Titus then walks with Caesarion and begins to tell him his true heritage.