Captain Benjamin Hornigold

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Captain Benjamin Hornigold


Benjamin "Ben" Hornigold is the captain of the Royal Lion in the West Indies and in charge of the fort on Nassau on New Providence Island.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 3 III. played by Patrick Lyster

Gates goes to the fort and is brought to Hornigold by Phillip. Hornigold tells Phillip that the chair he is sitting on came from the Plymouth office of Sir Francis Drake and tells him that if Gates ever lays a finger on it, Phillip is to shoot Gates dead. Gates tells Hornigold that Captain Flint is offering one share per crew member and two shares for use of his ship when they catch the L'Urca. Hornigold agrees to the offer and he and Gates shake hands.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 4 IV. played by Patrick Lyster

Hornigold confronts Mr. Scott about Eleanor Guthrie humiliating Captain Charles Vane and mentions that other captains are worried about losing their livelihoods, because they may have upset Eleanor. He tells him that every morning he sees Captain Lilywhite raving to others about the problems of having only one person to sell their goods. He then warns Mr. Scott to control Eleanor.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 5 V. played by Patrick Lyster

Lilywhite riles up a crowd of people and accuses the Guthrie's of stealing their money. One of the pirates sees Eleanor and charges at her, but is stopped by Hornigold. Hornigold suggests to Eleanor that she makes some announcement that debts will be paid. She refuses and tells O'Malley to bring Captain Naft and his quartermaster Mr. Walker, Captain Lawrence, Mr. Harrison, and Frasier to her. During Eleanor's meeting, she tells those assembled that despite what Richard Guthrie said, she is going to continue the trading company. She tells Naft and Lawrence that they lead the two least profitable pirate ships. She suggests they form a consortium and use their ships for trade versus piracy. She asks Hornigold to bless the idea, and he agrees as long as she lifts the ban on Vane. Eleanor refuses and Hornigold tells her that she has until noon to change her mind or he will stop having his men defend her tavern.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 6 VI. played by Patrick Lyster

Eleanor eventually walks out of her office and tells Hornigold that she will lift the ban on Vane.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 7 VII. played by Patrick Lyster

Eleanor has a meeting with Hornigold, Frasier, Naft, and Lawrence concerning the Guthrie Frasier Naft Lawrence Consortium for the Purpose of Shipping and Trade in the West Indies, Excelsior. Naft tells Reginald to add to the agenda to come up with a shorter name. Lawrence tells the others that some of his sailors quit his ship.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 8 VIII. played by Patrick Lyster

Eleanor gives Lawrence his real and fake manifests and she, Naft and Frasier see Lawrence off. Hornigold congratulates Eleanor with what she has done and she tells him that Richard must die. The cannons at the fort start firing at ships in the harbor. The consortium holds a meeting and Hornigold tells the others that he should soon have 250 men to assault the fort and retake it. O'Malley runs into the room and brings them outside. Vane walks up with his crew and tells Eleanor that they need to talk. After their meeting, Eleanor tells Hornigold that she has agreed to let Vane have the fort and she told Vane about the secret tunnels.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 2 Episode 3 XI. played by Patrick Lyster

Hornigold recommends to Flint that they remove Vane as soon as possible.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 2 Episode 4 XII. played by Patrick Lyster

Hornigold tells his attack plan to Flint, Mr. Scott, De Groot, and Dufresne. Flint asks how long it will take to rebuild the fort and Hornigold asks him if he intends to follow through on his threat to take the fort. Eleanor is brought to Flint. She tells him that Vane has issued his reply and hands it to Flint. Flint then orders everyone out. Hornigold tells Flint that a number of the captains are on his side. Later, Flint walks to his and Hornigold's crew and tells them to fire on the fort.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 2 Episode 5 XIII. played by Patrick Lyster

Flint tells his crew to cease fire and De Groot repeats the order. Flint then orders his crew to prepare to move ashore. Flint and his crew make it ashore and Hornigold tells Flint that he told his men to keep it a secret that Flint intends on going after the Spanish gold.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 2 Episode 6 XIV. played by Patrick Lyster

Hornigold warns Dufresne that they can't keep their men waiting for much longer if they are to fight. Flint returns to camp and Hornigold tells Flint that it is time to recapture the fort. Flint tells the plan to allow Vane to stay in the fort to Dufresne and Hornigold. Hornigold refuses to accept the deal and says that he will hold a council to take over as captain instead of Flint.