Gaius Octavian: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "400px|thumb|right|Gaius Octavian == Background == Gaius Octavian is a member of the Julii family and a relative of Caesar. His mothe...")
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[[File:Gaius_Octavian_-_Edited.png|400px|thumb|right|Gaius Octavian]]
[[File:Gaius_Octavian_-_Edited.png|425px|thumb|right|Gaius Octavian]]

== Background ==
== Background ==
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== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 1 The Stolen Eagle]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 1 The Stolen Eagle]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Atia tells her son Gaius Octavian she wants him to take the horse she got from [[Timon]] to Caesar in Gaul as a present.  As Octavian is leaving with his escort, Atia tells [[Andros]] to bring back Octavian safely or his children will suffer.  Octavian and his escorts are ambushed and Andros is killed while Octavian is taken captive along with his white horse.  Octavian is freed by [[Lucius Vorenus]] and [[Titus Pullo]].  They bring him to Caesar's camp.
Atia tells her son Gaius Octavian she wants him to take the horse she got from [[Timon]] to Caesar in Gaul as a present.  As Octavian is leaving with his escort, Atia tells [[Andros]] to bring back Octavian safely or his children will suffer.  Octavian and his escorts are ambushed and Andros is killed while Octavian is taken captive along with his white horse.  Octavian is freed by [[Lucius Vorenus]] and [[Titus Pullo]].  They bring him to Caesar's camp.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 2 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Titus Pullo, Lucius Vorenus and Octavian are sent to accompany [[Mark Antony]] on his return to Rome.  As they wait for Mark Antony to finish having sex with a [[Peasant Woman]], Lucius appears nervous of returning home.  Antony arrives in Rome to cheers from the people.  Antony tells Lucius and Titus to return Octavian to his mother Atia of the Julii.  [[Castor]] announces to Atia, Octavian is home.  Octavian introduces Lucius and Titus and insists they be allowed to stay for dinner.  During dinner there is a discussion about politics where Lucius argues the preservation of the Republic is the most important factor while Titus thinks Caesar should ride into Rome and take over.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 3 An Owl in the Thornbrush]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
A crowd of Pompeians gather outside the home of Atia.  At her party, Atia blames Caesar to the crowd of Octavian, Octavia, [[Servilia of the Junii]] and [[Marcus Junius Brutus]].  She tells them if Caesar was there she would stab him herself.  Octavian counters that he doesn't believe [[Pompey Magnus]]' position is as secure as he thinks.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 4 Stealing from Saturn]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Gaius is forced by Atia to eat hog testicles, because she thinks he has been acting effeminate.  He at first refuses, but is told he must eat them before he can leave the dinner table.  When Atia leaves, Octavia asks Octavian if he knows if their mother had [[Glabius]] murdered.  Octavian tells her he doesn't think she did have him killed.  During the party Atia holds for Caesar, Octavian approaches Caesar and wonders why he let [[Quintus Pompey]] go and offered peace to Pompey Magnus.  Caesar tells him the terms of the truce make a difference.  Caesar begins to have a seizure and [[Posca]] and Octavian bring him into a storage room.  [[Demeter]] puts her ear to the door and hears Caesar making deep breathing noises.  She walks away and then sees Octavian and Cesar leave the room together.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 5 The Ram has Touched the Wall]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Atia catches Gaius painting Octavia's toenails and asks him what he was doing with alone with Caesar in the storage closet.  Atia assumes he was having sex with Caesar, but Gaius insists he was helping him with an affliction he has.  Atia tells him she has hired Titus Pullo to be his tutor and to teach him the manly arts.  Titus and Gaius practice fighting with the sword and shield, however Gaius gets tired and frustrated and quits.  Titus asks Gaius for advice and tells him about [[Niobe]] and [[Evander Pulchio]].  Gaius advises Titus that he shouldn't tell Lucius unless he knows for sure.  Later Gaius and Titus kidnap Evander and torture him.  Evander refuses to acknowledge he had an affair with Niobe, but Gaius can tell he is lying.  Eventually Evander admits to having an affair with Niobe and fathering the baby Lucius and Titus kills Evander.  Evander's body is dumped in the sewage canal and Gaius tells Titus to never tell Lucius of what they found out.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 6 Egeria]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Atia and Octavia watch as Octavian is trained in swordplay by Titus.  Atia asks if Octavian has had sex with a woman yet and then tells Titus to take Octavian to a whore house.  Titus brings Octavian to a fancy whore house run by [[Madame]] where prostitutes are brought out for Octavian to choose from.  He chooses [[Egeria]] and they go to a private room.  Octavian asks Egeria about herself and calls it tragic when he is told that her parents and brother were killed and she was sold into slavery at a young age.  Octavian then has sex with Egeria and leaves with Titus.  After Atia decides that Caesar and Mark Antony will lose in their war with Pompey Magnus, Octavian is sent with [[Timon]] to Mediolanum for his protection.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 9 Utica]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Octavian is escorted home after being away for two years by Timon.  When he arrives home he is greeted by Atia and Octavia.  He is made a Pontiff by Caesar who also asks him how he would repair the Republic during Caesar's dinner party.  When he is asked by Octavia to tell her a secret, he tells her about the time he and Titus Pullo tortured and killed Evander Pulchio who was cheating with Niobe.  Octavia later invites Octavian into bed with her and they have sex and afterwards Octavian tells Octavia he knows she offered to have sex with him in order to find out about Caesar's affliction.  When Atia finds out from [[Merula]] that he and Octavia had sex, Octavian stands up to her and she slaps him.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 10 Triumph]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Octavian goes to the monastery that Octavia has fled to and tells her she must return to Rome to preserve the family honor.  Octavia argues with him, but he demands she go back with him .  Before Caesar's Triumph, Octavian, as a pontiff, paints Caesar's face with blood.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 11 The Spoils]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
At Atia's party, Octavian walks up to Lucius and Caesar and mentions that he heard Titus has been put under arrest and he asks them for help to free Titus, which Caesar refuses.  Octavian tells Castor to bring Timon to Atia's home in the morning.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 1 Episode 12 Kalends of February]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Atia receives a letter from Servilia asking her to come for a visit. She tells Octavian that he will join her tomorrow to visit with Servilia. Servilia greets Atia and Octavian as they arrive at her house.  Servilia tells Atia that she invited her to her home so she would be the first to know about Caesar's assassination.  Servilia finishes telling Atia that she is now alone and tells her that she will have her revenge on Atia and that she will make her suffer and Atia and Octavian leave.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 1 Passover]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Octavian tells Octavia that she cannot tell anyone that they provided the information about Niobe's child to Servilia.  He is told by Timon that Rome is quiet after Caesar's assassination.  Atia wants to leave the city, while Octavian wants to stay.  They all leave with Timon and Mark Antony to pick up [[Calpurnia]].  Mark Antony and the others arrive at Calpurnia's home and Calpurnia demands that Caesar's will be read. Posca reads the will which includes freeing Posca, giving a sum of money to the people of Rome and giving his estate to Octavian. Octavian decides to stay and tells Mark Antony that there may be a way to force Brutus to come to a compromise and after hearing that she will be the mother of the richest man in Rome versus Servilia if Brutus compromises, Atia decides to stay.  Octavian tells Titus how Lucius was tricked into leaving Caesar and asks Titus for forgiveness in telling Octavia what he knew about Niobe and Titus offers to get vengeance for Octavian.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 2 Son of Hades]] played by [[Max Pirkis]] ==
Octavian questions Mark Antony when he will transfer Caesar's money to him as promised in Caesar's will and Mark Antony promises once again to get it done.  As Octavian is walking home, he sees Timon and his men waiting nearby carrying swords.  Octavian tells Octavia that he thinks Atia is planning on having Servilia assassinated after leaving Atia's party.  Octavian threatens to tell Mark Antony about Atia's plan and after he tells Mark Antony, Atia is forced to tell Timon and his men to leave.  Octavian approaches Mark Antony once more and asks him for his money and then tells him that he plans on getting a lawyer to get his money.  Octavian tells Octavia that he plans on getting into politics and Octavia laughs at him.  After they hear of Octavian's declaration to give money to the plebs as per Caesar's will, Mark Antony and Atia storm into Octavian's room. Octavian tells them he plans on getting into politics and Mark Antony attacks him after Octavian calls Atia a whore.  Atia finds a letter left by Octavian that tells her that he has left to stay with his friend [[Agrippa]].
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 4 Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare)]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
After his victory against Mark Antony, Octavian recognizes Titus Pullo as Titus is searching the battle site of Mutinae.  They greet each other and after Octavian gives Agrippa credit for winning the battle Titus tells Octavian he is looking for Lucius who fought for Mark Antony. Octavian gives Titus a scroll with his personal seal and tells him where he might find Lucius.  Octavian and Agrippa return to their command tent where they are greeted by [[Gaius Maecenas]] who tells them the other Roman generals died of their wounds. Octavian then gives letters to Agrippa to bring to Rome, including one for Octavia and another for [[Marcus Tullius Cicero]] requesting a Triumph. Octavian then gives a speech to his soldiers outlying how Rome will owe them a great deal of money and that they will march towards Rome to collect it.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 5 Heroes of the Republic]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
Cicero congratulates Octavian on his victory over Mark Antony, while giving excuses for not holding a Triumph for Octavian including Rome having to send [[Lepidus]] to wipe out the remnants of Mark Antony's army. He finally tells Octavian that the people would not like it, especially with Octavian's troops camped outside of Rome, which Gaius Maecenas agrees with. Octavian then requests to be Consul and Cicero agrees to speak with the other Senators but only if he agrees to follow Cicero's advice.  Octavia visits Octavian, but Octavian gets upset when he feels that Octavia is taking Atia's side over him and tells Octavia that he shall reside in Caesar's palace.  Atia comes to visit Octavian and dramatically asks his forgiveness, but with questionable sincerity and Octavian forgives her. Atia returns home with Octavian and Octavia welcomes him home.  Titus visits Octavian and congratulates him and Octavian asks for peace in Rome between the rival captains. He gives a speech in front of the senate calling for Marcus Junius Brutus and [[Cassius]] to be called murderers and enemies of Rome, which shocks Cicero. A group of soldiers enter the senate grounds and no one speaks against the motion.  Cicero visits with Octavian and demands that Octavian give up command of his legions and tells him that Brutus and Cassius are on their way back to Rome with twenty legions. He then threatens that any war with Brutus would be short and Octavian would lose, before smirking and walking out. Atia comes to visit and asks why Octavian looks sad. At Mark Antony's camp, Atia arrives and brings along Octavian, and Mark Antony and Octavian, after some hesitation, hug.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 6 Philippi]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
Octavian and Mark Antony create a list of prominent Roman citizens to kill and Atia adds the family of [[Jocasta]].  Octavian then gives the list to Agrippa and tells him to give it to Lucius Vorenus to divide among the captains, but to kill Cicero himself.  Octavian, Agrippa, Giaus Maecenas and the army leave for Greece.  At the Battle of Philippi, Octavian and Mark Antony's armies defeat the army of Brutus and Cassius.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 7 Death Mask]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus hold a meeting where Lepidus tells them that some are worried that the three of them are about to form a tyrannical government. They then decide to split the ruling of Rome intro three different regions of Rome. Mark Antony suggests Octavian take Rome and the west, while he takes Egypt and the eastern provinces, leaving Lepidus with Africa minus Egypt. They all then agree to split the treasury among themselves.  Mark Antony and Octavian have a meeting where Octavian accuses Mark Antony of not sharing his gift. Mark Antony accuses Octavian of not having accomplished anything and borrowing the glory of others.  During a meeting between Octavian and Mark Antony they agree to split everything equally and then Octavian suggests a marriage should happen between the two houses after Atia suggests it.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 8 A Necessary Fiction]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
Octavian gives a speech to a group of Roman women promising that Rome will reward women for fertility and sanctity in marriage and enact laws that punish adultery and promiscuity.  After the speech, Gaius Maecenas points out [[Livia]] to Octavian. Maecenas then introduces [[Alfidia]] and Livia to Octavian. Octavian asks Livia if she would like to get married to him and she agrees after she divorces her husband.  Lucius reports to Octavian and Mark Antony that the gold shipment was stolen and he promises to bring it back.  Maecenas tells Octavian that Mark Antony has been sleeping with Atia and Octavia has also been lying to Octavian.  Octavian tells Livia that at some point he may beat her to get sexual pleasure.  Octavian introduces Livia to Atia, Octavia, Mark Antony and Agrippa. Octavian then accuses Octavia of betraying him and Agrippa admits to sleeping with Octavia.  Octavian tells Mark Antony that he must go to Egypt and not come back. Mark Antony grabs Octavian by the throat but lets go and storms out.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man)]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
Titus goes to see Octavian and tells him the state of things in Aventine and how the people are starving.  Gaius Maecenas suggests the people eat dogs, and Titus tells them there are no more dogs to eat. Agrippa suggests sending some of the military to Africa so that Lepidus will have to feed them and Octavian agrees and then tells Titus he will send some grain to him and asks Titus who the people blame for the famine and Titus tells Octavian that the people blame him and not Mark Antony.  Octavian, Atia, Octavia, Livia, Agrippa and Gaius Maecenas have dinner and Octavian asks Octavia and Atia to go to Egypt to ask Mark Antony to send more grain. Octavia asks if he is joking and he remarks that he can't remember the last time he joked and Livia brings up a time in the fish market a few days back. Atia demands that Octavian give her a villa in Capri and Octavia demands cash.  After sex, Livia tells Octavian that she likes birds but not eggs and she doesn't want eggs served anymore. She then figures out Octavian's plan that Mark Antony will turn away Atia and Octavian and that the Roman people will be upset that he chose his Egyptian queen over his Roman wife.  Atia, Octavia, Posca and Jocasta return home and Atia slaps Octavian when she figures out she was used by Octavian.  Posca hands Octavian a scroll that is the last will and testament of Mark Antony and [[Cleopatra]], which declares them gods and gives portions of the Eastern provinces to their children and Rome to [[Caesarion]].  Octavian goes to the Senate and asks for war against Mark Antony. He has a meeting with Titus in which Posca gives Titus, Lucius' request to kiss his children. Octavian then asks Titus to join him on his campaign in Egypt so that he may have a chance to convince Lucius to talk sense with Mark Antony.
== During the events of [[Rome: Season 2 Episode 10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)]] played by [[Simon Woods]] ==
Octavian's forces under Agrippa, defeat Mark Antony's forces at the Battle of Atium.  [[Emmissary]] tells Octavian that Mark Antony will retire from public life if Octavian allows Cleopatra and her children to stay in power in Egypt. Octavian rejects Mark Antony's offer and insists he and Cleopatra surrender to him. Octavian tells the Emmissary to look for Lucius and to offer safety to him if he betrays Mark Antony.  Emmissary gives Octavian, Mark Antony's challenge for single combat and that Lucius has rejected his offer to betray Mark Antony.  Octavian enters the palace of Alexandria and tells Cleopatra that she and her children are all safe and that she will keep her crown. He then suggests that her and her children immediately leave with him to Rome.  Octavian returns to the throne room and before dying, Cleopatra tells him his soul is rotten.  Octavian then orders Titus find Lucius and Caesarion.  Cleopatra's daughter and son, Helios and Selene, are brought to Atia's home and given to Octavia to take care of and Octavian tells Atia that Mark Antony killed himself.  The bodies of Mark Antony and Cleopatra are paraded in front of the crowd and Octavian takes pleasure at the adoring crowd.  Titus returns to Octavian and tells him he killed Caesarion, but Lucius died.

Latest revision as of 16:05, 25 May 2019

Gaius Octavian


Gaius Octavian is a member of the Julii family and a relative of Caesar. His mother is Atia of the Julii and his sister is Octavia of the Julii.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 1 The Stolen Eagle played by Max Pirkis

Atia tells her son Gaius Octavian she wants him to take the horse she got from Timon to Caesar in Gaul as a present. As Octavian is leaving with his escort, Atia tells Andros to bring back Octavian safely or his children will suffer. Octavian and his escorts are ambushed and Andros is killed while Octavian is taken captive along with his white horse. Octavian is freed by Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo. They bring him to Caesar's camp.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 2 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic played by Max Pirkis

Titus Pullo, Lucius Vorenus and Octavian are sent to accompany Mark Antony on his return to Rome. As they wait for Mark Antony to finish having sex with a Peasant Woman, Lucius appears nervous of returning home. Antony arrives in Rome to cheers from the people. Antony tells Lucius and Titus to return Octavian to his mother Atia of the Julii. Castor announces to Atia, Octavian is home. Octavian introduces Lucius and Titus and insists they be allowed to stay for dinner. During dinner there is a discussion about politics where Lucius argues the preservation of the Republic is the most important factor while Titus thinks Caesar should ride into Rome and take over.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 3 An Owl in the Thornbrush played by Max Pirkis

A crowd of Pompeians gather outside the home of Atia. At her party, Atia blames Caesar to the crowd of Octavian, Octavia, Servilia of the Junii and Marcus Junius Brutus. She tells them if Caesar was there she would stab him herself. Octavian counters that he doesn't believe Pompey Magnus' position is as secure as he thinks.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 4 Stealing from Saturn played by Max Pirkis

Gaius is forced by Atia to eat hog testicles, because she thinks he has been acting effeminate. He at first refuses, but is told he must eat them before he can leave the dinner table. When Atia leaves, Octavia asks Octavian if he knows if their mother had Glabius murdered. Octavian tells her he doesn't think she did have him killed. During the party Atia holds for Caesar, Octavian approaches Caesar and wonders why he let Quintus Pompey go and offered peace to Pompey Magnus. Caesar tells him the terms of the truce make a difference. Caesar begins to have a seizure and Posca and Octavian bring him into a storage room. Demeter puts her ear to the door and hears Caesar making deep breathing noises. She walks away and then sees Octavian and Cesar leave the room together.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 5 The Ram has Touched the Wall played by Max Pirkis

Atia catches Gaius painting Octavia's toenails and asks him what he was doing with alone with Caesar in the storage closet. Atia assumes he was having sex with Caesar, but Gaius insists he was helping him with an affliction he has. Atia tells him she has hired Titus Pullo to be his tutor and to teach him the manly arts. Titus and Gaius practice fighting with the sword and shield, however Gaius gets tired and frustrated and quits. Titus asks Gaius for advice and tells him about Niobe and Evander Pulchio. Gaius advises Titus that he shouldn't tell Lucius unless he knows for sure. Later Gaius and Titus kidnap Evander and torture him. Evander refuses to acknowledge he had an affair with Niobe, but Gaius can tell he is lying. Eventually Evander admits to having an affair with Niobe and fathering the baby Lucius and Titus kills Evander. Evander's body is dumped in the sewage canal and Gaius tells Titus to never tell Lucius of what they found out.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 6 Egeria played by Max Pirkis

Atia and Octavia watch as Octavian is trained in swordplay by Titus. Atia asks if Octavian has had sex with a woman yet and then tells Titus to take Octavian to a whore house. Titus brings Octavian to a fancy whore house run by Madame where prostitutes are brought out for Octavian to choose from. He chooses Egeria and they go to a private room. Octavian asks Egeria about herself and calls it tragic when he is told that her parents and brother were killed and she was sold into slavery at a young age. Octavian then has sex with Egeria and leaves with Titus. After Atia decides that Caesar and Mark Antony will lose in their war with Pompey Magnus, Octavian is sent with Timon to Mediolanum for his protection.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 9 Utica played by Max Pirkis

Octavian is escorted home after being away for two years by Timon. When he arrives home he is greeted by Atia and Octavia. He is made a Pontiff by Caesar who also asks him how he would repair the Republic during Caesar's dinner party. When he is asked by Octavia to tell her a secret, he tells her about the time he and Titus Pullo tortured and killed Evander Pulchio who was cheating with Niobe. Octavia later invites Octavian into bed with her and they have sex and afterwards Octavian tells Octavia he knows she offered to have sex with him in order to find out about Caesar's affliction. When Atia finds out from Merula that he and Octavia had sex, Octavian stands up to her and she slaps him.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 10 Triumph played by Max Pirkis

Octavian goes to the monastery that Octavia has fled to and tells her she must return to Rome to preserve the family honor. Octavia argues with him, but he demands she go back with him . Before Caesar's Triumph, Octavian, as a pontiff, paints Caesar's face with blood.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 11 The Spoils played by Max Pirkis

At Atia's party, Octavian walks up to Lucius and Caesar and mentions that he heard Titus has been put under arrest and he asks them for help to free Titus, which Caesar refuses. Octavian tells Castor to bring Timon to Atia's home in the morning.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 12 Kalends of February played by Max Pirkis

Atia receives a letter from Servilia asking her to come for a visit. She tells Octavian that he will join her tomorrow to visit with Servilia. Servilia greets Atia and Octavian as they arrive at her house. Servilia tells Atia that she invited her to her home so she would be the first to know about Caesar's assassination. Servilia finishes telling Atia that she is now alone and tells her that she will have her revenge on Atia and that she will make her suffer and Atia and Octavian leave.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 1 Passover played by Max Pirkis

Octavian tells Octavia that she cannot tell anyone that they provided the information about Niobe's child to Servilia. He is told by Timon that Rome is quiet after Caesar's assassination. Atia wants to leave the city, while Octavian wants to stay. They all leave with Timon and Mark Antony to pick up Calpurnia. Mark Antony and the others arrive at Calpurnia's home and Calpurnia demands that Caesar's will be read. Posca reads the will which includes freeing Posca, giving a sum of money to the people of Rome and giving his estate to Octavian. Octavian decides to stay and tells Mark Antony that there may be a way to force Brutus to come to a compromise and after hearing that she will be the mother of the richest man in Rome versus Servilia if Brutus compromises, Atia decides to stay. Octavian tells Titus how Lucius was tricked into leaving Caesar and asks Titus for forgiveness in telling Octavia what he knew about Niobe and Titus offers to get vengeance for Octavian.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 2 Son of Hades played by Max Pirkis

Octavian questions Mark Antony when he will transfer Caesar's money to him as promised in Caesar's will and Mark Antony promises once again to get it done. As Octavian is walking home, he sees Timon and his men waiting nearby carrying swords. Octavian tells Octavia that he thinks Atia is planning on having Servilia assassinated after leaving Atia's party. Octavian threatens to tell Mark Antony about Atia's plan and after he tells Mark Antony, Atia is forced to tell Timon and his men to leave. Octavian approaches Mark Antony once more and asks him for his money and then tells him that he plans on getting a lawyer to get his money. Octavian tells Octavia that he plans on getting into politics and Octavia laughs at him. After they hear of Octavian's declaration to give money to the plebs as per Caesar's will, Mark Antony and Atia storm into Octavian's room. Octavian tells them he plans on getting into politics and Mark Antony attacks him after Octavian calls Atia a whore. Atia finds a letter left by Octavian that tells her that he has left to stay with his friend Agrippa.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 4 Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare) played by Simon Woods

After his victory against Mark Antony, Octavian recognizes Titus Pullo as Titus is searching the battle site of Mutinae. They greet each other and after Octavian gives Agrippa credit for winning the battle Titus tells Octavian he is looking for Lucius who fought for Mark Antony. Octavian gives Titus a scroll with his personal seal and tells him where he might find Lucius. Octavian and Agrippa return to their command tent where they are greeted by Gaius Maecenas who tells them the other Roman generals died of their wounds. Octavian then gives letters to Agrippa to bring to Rome, including one for Octavia and another for Marcus Tullius Cicero requesting a Triumph. Octavian then gives a speech to his soldiers outlying how Rome will owe them a great deal of money and that they will march towards Rome to collect it.

Gaius Octavian New Actor - Edited.png

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 5 Heroes of the Republic played by Simon Woods

Cicero congratulates Octavian on his victory over Mark Antony, while giving excuses for not holding a Triumph for Octavian including Rome having to send Lepidus to wipe out the remnants of Mark Antony's army. He finally tells Octavian that the people would not like it, especially with Octavian's troops camped outside of Rome, which Gaius Maecenas agrees with. Octavian then requests to be Consul and Cicero agrees to speak with the other Senators but only if he agrees to follow Cicero's advice. Octavia visits Octavian, but Octavian gets upset when he feels that Octavia is taking Atia's side over him and tells Octavia that he shall reside in Caesar's palace. Atia comes to visit Octavian and dramatically asks his forgiveness, but with questionable sincerity and Octavian forgives her. Atia returns home with Octavian and Octavia welcomes him home. Titus visits Octavian and congratulates him and Octavian asks for peace in Rome between the rival captains. He gives a speech in front of the senate calling for Marcus Junius Brutus and Cassius to be called murderers and enemies of Rome, which shocks Cicero. A group of soldiers enter the senate grounds and no one speaks against the motion. Cicero visits with Octavian and demands that Octavian give up command of his legions and tells him that Brutus and Cassius are on their way back to Rome with twenty legions. He then threatens that any war with Brutus would be short and Octavian would lose, before smirking and walking out. Atia comes to visit and asks why Octavian looks sad. At Mark Antony's camp, Atia arrives and brings along Octavian, and Mark Antony and Octavian, after some hesitation, hug.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 6 Philippi played by Simon Woods

Octavian and Mark Antony create a list of prominent Roman citizens to kill and Atia adds the family of Jocasta. Octavian then gives the list to Agrippa and tells him to give it to Lucius Vorenus to divide among the captains, but to kill Cicero himself. Octavian, Agrippa, Giaus Maecenas and the army leave for Greece. At the Battle of Philippi, Octavian and Mark Antony's armies defeat the army of Brutus and Cassius.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 7 Death Mask played by Simon Woods

Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus hold a meeting where Lepidus tells them that some are worried that the three of them are about to form a tyrannical government. They then decide to split the ruling of Rome intro three different regions of Rome. Mark Antony suggests Octavian take Rome and the west, while he takes Egypt and the eastern provinces, leaving Lepidus with Africa minus Egypt. They all then agree to split the treasury among themselves. Mark Antony and Octavian have a meeting where Octavian accuses Mark Antony of not sharing his gift. Mark Antony accuses Octavian of not having accomplished anything and borrowing the glory of others. During a meeting between Octavian and Mark Antony they agree to split everything equally and then Octavian suggests a marriage should happen between the two houses after Atia suggests it.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 8 A Necessary Fiction played by Simon Woods

Octavian gives a speech to a group of Roman women promising that Rome will reward women for fertility and sanctity in marriage and enact laws that punish adultery and promiscuity. After the speech, Gaius Maecenas points out Livia to Octavian. Maecenas then introduces Alfidia and Livia to Octavian. Octavian asks Livia if she would like to get married to him and she agrees after she divorces her husband. Lucius reports to Octavian and Mark Antony that the gold shipment was stolen and he promises to bring it back. Maecenas tells Octavian that Mark Antony has been sleeping with Atia and Octavia has also been lying to Octavian. Octavian tells Livia that at some point he may beat her to get sexual pleasure. Octavian introduces Livia to Atia, Octavia, Mark Antony and Agrippa. Octavian then accuses Octavia of betraying him and Agrippa admits to sleeping with Octavia. Octavian tells Mark Antony that he must go to Egypt and not come back. Mark Antony grabs Octavian by the throat but lets go and storms out.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) played by Simon Woods

Titus goes to see Octavian and tells him the state of things in Aventine and how the people are starving. Gaius Maecenas suggests the people eat dogs, and Titus tells them there are no more dogs to eat. Agrippa suggests sending some of the military to Africa so that Lepidus will have to feed them and Octavian agrees and then tells Titus he will send some grain to him and asks Titus who the people blame for the famine and Titus tells Octavian that the people blame him and not Mark Antony. Octavian, Atia, Octavia, Livia, Agrippa and Gaius Maecenas have dinner and Octavian asks Octavia and Atia to go to Egypt to ask Mark Antony to send more grain. Octavia asks if he is joking and he remarks that he can't remember the last time he joked and Livia brings up a time in the fish market a few days back. Atia demands that Octavian give her a villa in Capri and Octavia demands cash. After sex, Livia tells Octavian that she likes birds but not eggs and she doesn't want eggs served anymore. She then figures out Octavian's plan that Mark Antony will turn away Atia and Octavian and that the Roman people will be upset that he chose his Egyptian queen over his Roman wife. Atia, Octavia, Posca and Jocasta return home and Atia slaps Octavian when she figures out she was used by Octavian. Posca hands Octavian a scroll that is the last will and testament of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, which declares them gods and gives portions of the Eastern provinces to their children and Rome to Caesarion. Octavian goes to the Senate and asks for war against Mark Antony. He has a meeting with Titus in which Posca gives Titus, Lucius' request to kiss his children. Octavian then asks Titus to join him on his campaign in Egypt so that he may have a chance to convince Lucius to talk sense with Mark Antony.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father) played by Simon Woods

Octavian's forces under Agrippa, defeat Mark Antony's forces at the Battle of Atium. Emmissary tells Octavian that Mark Antony will retire from public life if Octavian allows Cleopatra and her children to stay in power in Egypt. Octavian rejects Mark Antony's offer and insists he and Cleopatra surrender to him. Octavian tells the Emmissary to look for Lucius and to offer safety to him if he betrays Mark Antony. Emmissary gives Octavian, Mark Antony's challenge for single combat and that Lucius has rejected his offer to betray Mark Antony. Octavian enters the palace of Alexandria and tells Cleopatra that she and her children are all safe and that she will keep her crown. He then suggests that her and her children immediately leave with him to Rome. Octavian returns to the throne room and before dying, Cleopatra tells him his soul is rotten. Octavian then orders Titus find Lucius and Caesarion. Cleopatra's daughter and son, Helios and Selene, are brought to Atia's home and given to Octavia to take care of and Octavian tells Atia that Mark Antony killed himself. The bodies of Mark Antony and Cleopatra are paraded in front of the crowd and Octavian takes pleasure at the adoring crowd. Titus returns to Octavian and tells him he killed Caesarion, but Lucius died.