Stringfellow Hawke

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Stringfellow Hawke


Stringfellow "String" Hawke is a pilot for Santini Air, and a former pilot for the FIRM. He was a Captain in the United States Army in Vietnam. Both of his parents died in a boating accident when he was 12 and a former girlfriend died in a car crash. Hawke and his brother, St. John, were on a mission in Vietnam when St. John was left behind. His grandfather collected famous artwork for his grandmother. Hawke has Masters degree in Applied Physics, doesn't eat red meat and was born in 1950. He has a pilot commercial license and is rated as an expert helicopter pilot. Hawke lives on Eagle Lake Road. He has a dog named Tet.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 1-2 Shadow of the Hawke played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke is playing the cello on his dock when a helicopter being flown by Gabrielle and carrying Michael Coldsmith Briggs III, codename Archangel arrives. Archangel introduces Gabrielle and tells Hawke he has a job for him recovering Airwolf and Hawke agrees to take the job in exchange for information on the location of St. John. That night, Gabrielle tries to seduce Hawke, but he rejects her advances. Hawke and Dominic are fired from a movie set when Hawke embarrasses the start Blaze and Hawke tells Dominic he was offered a job with the FIRM. He asks Dominic to help him and to fly into Libya. They return to Hawke's home and he finds all of his artwork stolen. Gabrielle tells Hawke that their agent in Tripoli, Angela, has told them that Airwolf is somewhere near the coast close to Tripoli. Dominic lands on Hawke's property and then he and Hawke make plans for Libya and Dominic takes Hawke to the Valley of the Gods and shows him a place inside of a mesa, where he can hide a large object. Archangel tells Hawke, Gabrielle was sent ahead to Libya. Hawke demands his artwork back and then punches Archangel in the face. Hawke arrives at the Orly Airport in Paris, France and is greeted by Faye, who briefs him on his mission and tells him Angela is dead and Gabrielle has taken her place. Hawke goes into Gabrielle's changing room in Libya and they kiss. Hawke tells Gabrielle to leave or he leaves and she tells him she isn't go to die on him like the others. As Hawke is leaving the club he runs into Dominic. Hawke and Dominic enter the airbase posing as Mirabelle Oil workers. They bluff their way past Libyan Officer #1 posing as Italians and see Airwolf. Co-Pilot-Mark finds Chuck Gordon and tells him Libyan Oficer #1 told him Dr. Moffet is out in the desert torturing a dancer and they are held at gunpoint by Hawke. Hawke and Dominic then get into Mark and Chuck's flight suits and helmets and are stopped by Major Kamal. Dominic gets into Airwolf, while Major Kamal orders Hawke to lift his visor. He knocks Major Kamal and Libyan Officer #1 to the ground and then jumps into Airwolf. Hawke and Dominic use Airwolf to escape after killing a group of Libyan soldiers including Libyan Officer #1. They see tracks in the desert and are spotted by Dr. Moffet who drives in his jeep away. They find Gabrielle and land and Hawke runs to her. She tells him she wanted to call and then dies. They get back into Airwolf and chase after Dr. Moffet. Dr. Moffet thinks Airwolf has been shot down by a missile and drives towards the explosion. Hawke then fires a missile at him, killing Dr. Moffet who pointed his revolver at the fuel intake. Dominic drops off Hawke and when Hawke returns to his cabin he sees Archangel inside with his artwork returned. Archangel asks him where he hid Airwolf and Hawke tells him it is wired with explosives and he is keeping it. Archangel offers to help Hawke out if he helps out the FIRM. As Archangel is leaving he asks if Gabrielle suffered and Hawke lies and tells him she didn't. Hawke then plays his cello on his dock and cries.

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During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 3 Daddy's Gone a Hunt'n played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic test the capabilities of Airwolf. He is recruited by Archangel and Marella to go undercover to find an officer that is rumored to be planning to give a top secret plane to the Soviets. As he is being driven to headquarters, Jeep Driver remarks how glad he is that the jets overhead are theirs and not the enemies. When he arrives at headquarters, Hawke sees Nhi Truong, who he had a relationship with in Vietnam. Hawke's cover is that he is a flight captain as part of an Army, Air Force exchange program. After a night of drinking with Maj. Sam Roper, Lt. John Winner and Lt. Simms, Roper tells Hawke that he knows he really isn't part of an exchange program and that he was in a relationship with Nhi Truong. The next morning during flight training, Roper banks the jet multiple times on purpose causing Hawke to hit his head on the cockpit window and after they land, Hawke tells Roper he is off the next mission. Archangel tells Hawke that they found out Nhi Truong was trying to get her son into the United States. Hawke goes to Roper's house and punches him in the face twice and tells him he knows about his planned deal with the Soviets. Roper tells him his plan and after Hawke tells him it won't work, Nhi tells him it is the only way. Hawke tells Dominic to get Airwolf ready and then goes on the mission with Roper. He has Roper drop him off and then goes with Dominic to get Airwolf. As he returns on the mission, Radar Station Controller asks him what happened, and Hawke tells him he had a slight malfunction. Hawke and Dominic then attack the Soviet station holding Ho Minh Truong, Nhi's son. They escape after letting Carl Zimmer live. Hawke returns to his cabin and is given an ambiguous answer by Minh Truong about who Ho Minh's father is. She then tells him she is going to name him Stringfellow Roper and Hawke hugs Ho Minh.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 4 Bite of the Jackal played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Dominic invites Hawke to come with him to Acapulco, but Hawke declines. Later, Hawke is told by Archangel and Laura Archer that their associate Mitchell Bruck may have brought down Dominic's helicopter to try and ambush Hawke. Hawke recruits Archangel to come with him in Airwolf and Archangel agrees to join him in rescuing Dominic. Hawke then picks him up and they fly towards Mexico. They come across the crash site of Dominic's helicopter, but must retreat when their rotor blade is hit by a rocket. They land on a farm and as they are using an anvil to repair the rotor blade, they are confronted by Joachim Santos, Miriam Santos and other villagers who accuse them of scaring their livestock with Airwolf. Archangel pays Joachim and he and Miriam agree to help them. Joachim invites Hawke to stay longer, but Hawke declines and once the rotor blade is fixed, he and Archangel fly away in Airwolf. They return to Dominic's crash site and attack the forces there. Airwolf is hit with a leech missile and Hawke blows up the helicopter with Bruck's Pilot and Mitchell inside of it and another helicopter with Betz's Pilot after firing at the ground troops. He then flies away after he sees Dominic in the sky. He eventually returns to his cabin and watches as Phoebe Danner hugs her father and he looks at his picture of his brother and smiles.

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During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 5 Proof Through the Night played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke is recruited by Archangel and Marella to go inside of the Soviet Union to rescue a a spy for the FIRM named Vladimir Rostoff. When he finds out that Vladimir has a family, Natalya and Tanya Rostoff, that may also need to be rescued, Archangel suggests he leave Airwolf's weapons behind to save on weight. Hawke tells Dominic the plan, which Dominic doesn't like. They fly Airwolf into Europe and refuel on Tanker Plane Pilot's plane over the Baltic. They arrive at Vladimir's farm and land. Hawke follows Vladimir into his cabin, and Vladimir tells him they have to pick up his family in a different location, where he has also left the vial with the biological weapon he stole. They fly to Kirivitz and land Airwolf some distance away from the house where Tanya, Natalya and her brother, Ivan Turgyev are staying. They walk towards the house, but stop so Dominic can check inside where he finds 1st Russian Soldier and another soldier with Ivan and Vladimir's family. They wait until the morning when 1st Russian Soldier and the other soldier leave. They then go inside and Vladimir tells his family he is a spy for the Americans and they are leaving to America. Hawke chases after Ivan when Ivan grabs the vial with the biological weapon away from Natalya and runs towards a helicopter outside. He tackles Ivan and takes back the vial but is then yelled at by the helicopter pilot. Dominic shoots at the helicopter and Hawke is able to run back inside. He then leaves again to get Airwolf. Hawke returns to the house and uses the speed of Airwolf to cause the helicopter and a Soviet army vehicle to crash. He then picks up Vladimir and his family and they return to Hawke's cabin. While he, Dominic, Archangel, Marella and Vladimir's family are eating, Tany leaves to go outside and Hawke follows her. She tells him she will never give up Russia and he tells her she doesn't have to. He then plays his cello to the tune of a Russian Revolutionary song and Tanya sings along.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 6 One Way Express played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Dominic asks Hawke to help him perform a stunt for a movie, but Hawke tells Dominic he thinks Dominic is too old to perform the stunt, which angers Dominic. Later Simon Sayes and Phillip Maurice have a meeting with Hawke and try to convince him to do the stunt, but Hawke refuses. Hawke goes to Dominic and tells him he will help him if he does the stunt instead of Dominic, but Dominic gets angry again and tells Hawke to leave. Hawke then talks to Archangel to try and get help and Archangel tells him Phillip has been involved in numerous crimes but always managed to avoid being directly involved in them. Hawke tells Simon that he will do the stunt and later that night Dominic goes to Hawke's cabin and punches him for stealing his job. Hawke refuses to fight back and Dominic leaves. Hawke has another meeting with Archangel and Meryl tells them details of the film she learned from Simon and Hawke thinks they are planning on robbing a gold train. Hawke then goes to Dominic and asks him to fly Airwolf while he flies the stunt helicopter. Hawke meets up with Simon, Phillip and Vinnie and they fly towards a train. When Hawke asks where the camera equipment is, Phillip pulls a gun on him and tells him to fly towards a semi. Hawke lands on the semi trailer and Simon gets out and pulls a gun on the Truck Driver. Before Phillip can shoot him, Hawke jumps out of the helicopter. He sees Dominic coming towards him in Airwolf and flags him down. They then fly towards where Vinnie and Phillip were flying. He forces Vinnie to land and when Vinnie tries to escape, Hawke fires Airwolf's guns at him. Hawke then blows up the stunt helicopter and contacts Archangel. Later at his cabin, Hawke and Dominic saw a log together.