Stringfellow Hawke

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Stringfellow Hawke


Stringfellow "String" Hawke is a pilot for Santini Air, and a former pilot for the FIRM. He was a Captain in the United States Army in Vietnam. Both of his parents died in a boating accident when he was 12 and a former girlfriend died in a car crash. Hawke and his brother, St. John, were on a mission in Vietnam when St. John was left behind. His grandfather collected famous artwork for his grandmother. Hawke has Masters degree in Applied Physics, doesn't eat red meat and was born in 1950. He has a pilot commercial license and is rated as an expert helicopter pilot. Hawke lives on Eagle Lake Road. He has a dog named Tet.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 1-2 Shadow of the Hawke played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke is playing the cello on his dock when a helicopter being flown by Gabrielle and carrying Michael Coldsmith Briggs III, codename Archangel arrives. Archangel introduces Gabrielle and tells Hawke he has a job for him recovering Airwolf and Hawke agrees to take the job in exchange for information on the location of St. John. That night, Gabrielle tries to seduce Hawke, but he rejects her advances. Hawke and Dominic are fired from a movie set when Hawke embarrasses the start Blaze and Hawke tells Dominic he was offered a job with the FIRM. He asks Dominic to help him and to fly into Libya. They return to Hawke's home and he finds all of his artwork stolen. Gabrielle tells Hawke that their agent in Tripoli, Angela, has told them that Airwolf is somewhere near the coast close to Tripoli. Dominic lands on Hawke's property and then he and Hawke make plans for Libya and Dominic takes Hawke to the Valley of the Gods and shows him a place inside of a mesa, where he can hide a large object. Archangel tells Hawke, Gabrielle was sent ahead to Libya. Hawke demands his artwork back and then punches Archangel in the face. Hawke arrives at the Orly Airport in Paris, France and is greeted by Faye, who briefs him on his mission and tells him Angela is dead and Gabrielle has taken her place. Hawke goes into Gabrielle's changing room in Libya and they kiss. Hawke tells Gabrielle to leave or he leaves and she tells him she isn't go to die on him like the others. As Hawke is leaving the club he runs into Dominic. Hawke and Dominic enter the airbase posing as Mirabelle Oil workers. They bluff their way past Libyan Officer #1 posing as Italians and see Airwolf. Co-Pilot-Mark finds Chuck Gordon and tells him Libyan Oficer #1 told him Dr. Moffet is out in the desert torturing a dancer and they are held at gunpoint by Hawke. Hawke and Dominic then get into Mark and Chuck's flight suits and helmets and are stopped by Major Kamal. Dominic gets into Airwolf, while Major Kamal orders Hawke to lift his visor. He knocks Major Kamal and Libyan Officer #1 to the ground and then jumps into Airwolf. Hawke and Dominic use Airwolf to escape after killing a group of Libyan soldiers including Libyan Officer #1. They see tracks in the desert and are spotted by Dr. Moffet who drives in his jeep away. They find Gabrielle and land and Hawke runs to her. She tells him she wanted to call and then dies. They get back into Airwolf and chase after Dr. Moffet. Dr. Moffet thinks Airwolf has been shot down by a missile and drives towards the explosion. Hawke then fires a missile at him, killing Dr. Moffet who pointed his revolver at the fuel intake. Dominic drops off Hawke and when Hawke returns to his cabin he sees Archangel inside with his artwork returned. Archangel asks him where he hid Airwolf and Hawke tells him it is wired with explosives and he is keeping it. Archangel offers to help Hawke out if he helps out the FIRM. As Archangel is leaving he asks if Gabrielle suffered and Hawke lies and tells him she didn't. Hawke then plays his cello on his dock and cries.

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During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 3 Daddy's Gone a Hunt'n played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic test the capabilities of Airwolf. He is recruited by Archangel and Marella to go undercover to find an officer that is rumored to be planning to give a top secret plane to the Soviets. As he is being driven to headquarters, Jeep Driver remarks how glad he is that the jets overhead are theirs and not the enemies. When he arrives at headquarters, Hawke sees Nhi Truong, who he had a relationship with in Vietnam. Hawke's cover is that he is a flight captain as part of an Army, Air Force exchange program. After a night of drinking with Maj. Sam Roper, Lt. John Winner and Lt. Simms, Roper tells Hawke that he knows he really isn't part of an exchange program and that he was in a relationship with Nhi Truong. The next morning during flight training, Roper banks the jet multiple times on purpose causing Hawke to hit his head on the cockpit window and after they land, Hawke tells Roper he is off the next mission. Archangel tells Hawke that they found out Nhi Truong was trying to get her son into the United States. Hawke goes to Roper's house and punches him in the face twice and tells him he knows about his planned deal with the Soviets. Roper tells him his plan and after Hawke tells him it won't work, Nhi tells him it is the only way. Hawke tells Dominic to get Airwolf ready and then goes on the mission with Roper. He has Roper drop him off and then goes with Dominic to get Airwolf. As he returns on the mission, Radar Station Controller asks him what happened, and Hawke tells him he had a slight malfunction. Hawke and Dominic then attack the Soviet station holding Ho Minh Truong, Nhi's son. They escape after letting Carl Zimmer live. Hawke returns to his cabin and is given an ambiguous answer by Minh Truong about who Ho Minh's father is. She then tells him she is going to name him Stringfellow Roper and Hawke hugs Ho Minh.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 4 Bite of the Jackal played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Dominic invites Hawke to come with him to Acapulco, but Hawke declines. Later, Hawke is told by Archangel and Laura Archer that their associate Mitchell Bruck may have brought down Dominic's helicopter to try and ambush Hawke. Hawke recruits Archangel to come with him in Airwolf and Archangel agrees to join him in rescuing Dominic. Hawke then picks him up and they fly towards Mexico. They come across the crash site of Dominic's helicopter, but must retreat when their rotor blade is hit by a rocket. They land on a farm and as they are using an anvil to repair the rotor blade, they are confronted by Joachim Santos, Miriam Santos and other villagers who accuse them of scaring their livestock with Airwolf. Archangel pays Joachim and he and Miriam agree to help them. Joachim invites Hawke to stay longer, but Hawke declines and once the rotor blade is fixed, he and Archangel fly away in Airwolf. They return to Dominic's crash site and attack the forces there. Airwolf is hit with a leech missile and Hawke blows up the helicopter with Bruck's Pilot and Mitchell inside of it and another helicopter with Betz's Pilot after firing at the ground troops. He then flies away after he sees Dominic in the sky. He eventually returns to his cabin and watches as Phoebe Danner hugs her father and he looks at his picture of his brother and smiles.

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During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 5 Proof Through the Night played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke is recruited by Archangel and Marella to go inside of the Soviet Union to rescue a a spy for the FIRM named Vladimir Rostoff. When he finds out that Vladimir has a family, Natalya and Tanya Rostoff, that may also need to be rescued, Archangel suggests he leave Airwolf's weapons behind to save on weight. Hawke tells Dominic the plan, which Dominic doesn't like. They fly Airwolf into Europe and refuel on Tanker Plane Pilot's plane over the Baltic. They arrive at Vladimir's farm and land. Hawke follows Vladimir into his cabin, and Vladimir tells him they have to pick up his family in a different location, where he has also left the vial with the biological weapon he stole. They fly to Kirivitz and land Airwolf some distance away from the house where Tanya, Natalya and her brother, Ivan Turgyev are staying. They walk towards the house, but stop so Dominic can check inside where he finds 1st Russian Soldier and another soldier with Ivan and Vladimir's family. They wait until the morning when 1st Russian Soldier and the other soldier leave. They then go inside and Vladimir tells his family he is a spy for the Americans and they are leaving to America. Hawke chases after Ivan when Ivan grabs the vial with the biological weapon away from Natalya and runs towards a helicopter outside. He tackles Ivan and takes back the vial but is then yelled at by the helicopter pilot. Dominic shoots at the helicopter and Hawke is able to run back inside. He then leaves again to get Airwolf. Hawke returns to the house and uses the speed of Airwolf to cause the helicopter and a Soviet army vehicle to crash. He then picks up Vladimir and his family and they return to Hawke's cabin. While he, Dominic, Archangel, Marella and Vladimir's family are eating, Tany leaves to go outside and Hawke follows her. She tells him she will never give up Russia and he tells her she doesn't have to. He then plays his cello to the tune of a Russian Revolutionary song and Tanya sings along.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 6 One Way Express played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Dominic asks Hawke to help him perform a stunt for a movie, but Hawke tells Dominic he thinks Dominic is too old to perform the stunt, which angers Dominic. Later Simon Sayes and Phillip Maurice have a meeting with Hawke and try to convince him to do the stunt, but Hawke refuses. Hawke goes to Dominic and tells him he will help him if he does the stunt instead of Dominic, but Dominic gets angry again and tells Hawke to leave. Hawke then talks to Archangel to try and get help and Archangel tells him Phillip has been involved in numerous crimes but always managed to avoid being directly involved in them. Hawke tells Simon that he will do the stunt and later that night Dominic goes to Hawke's cabin and punches him for stealing his job. Hawke refuses to fight back and Dominic leaves. Hawke has another meeting with Archangel and Meryl tells them details of the film she learned from Simon and Hawke thinks they are planning on robbing a gold train. Hawke then goes to Dominic and asks him to fly Airwolf while he flies the stunt helicopter. Hawke meets up with Simon, Phillip and Vinnie and they fly towards a train. When Hawke asks where the camera equipment is, Phillip pulls a gun on him and tells him to fly towards a semi. Hawke lands on the semi trailer and Simon gets out and pulls a gun on the Truck Driver. Before Phillip can shoot him, Hawke jumps out of the helicopter. He sees Dominic coming towards him in Airwolf and flags him down. They then fly towards where Vinnie and Phillip were flying. He forces Vinnie to land and when Vinnie tries to escape, Hawke fires Airwolf's guns at him. Hawke then blows up the stunt helicopter and contacts Archangel. Later at his cabin, Hawke and Dominic saw a log together.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 7 Echoes from the Past played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke is playing his cello when he hears a plane flying overhead. He goes outside with Tet and a package drops down from the plane. He finds a message and a bracelet with the name Saint John engraved into it. He then goes to an abandoned airstrip the note told him to go to and sees Peter MacGregor-Moore. MacGregor-Moore offers to tell him where Saint John is located and then hands him a satellite image of a building complex. He tells Hawke, Saint John is in a prison camp in Northern Vietnam and then flies away. Hawke gets into his helicopter and as he is flying he starts to feel dizzy and crashes the helicopter. He wakes up surrounded by people and then falls unconscious. He wakes up on a gurney being pulled by Female in White Coat and Man in White Coat before falling unconscious again. He then wakes up surrounded by Nurse Frida Simmons and Dr. Rothschild before again falling unconscious. He dreams of Gabrielle and wakes up in a hospital room. He pulls an IV tube out of his arm and then tries to leave before he is grabbed by Nurse Simmons and a hospital orderly. Nurse Simmons tells him he was in a helicopter accident and Dr. Rothschild tells him he has been in a coma for almost a year. Dr. Rothschild then tells Hawke that Dominic and Archangel died in a helicopter crash while rescuing Saint John. While watching the television, Anchor Man and Anchor Woman report that Prince Charles and Princess Diana are getting a divorce. Dr. Lisa Holgate walks into his room and tells him he feels groggy due to the amount of time he was in the coma. "Saint John" walks into the room and he and Hawke hug. Morton Abrams later enters the room and when Hawke guesses he is Archangel's successor, Abrams asks where Airwolf is hidden. Hawke then shows him the location on a map. Nurse Simmons goes into his room and puts something into his IV bag and Hawke removes his IV tube. Susan Hill sneaks into his room and he grabs her and asks her what the date is and whether he would still have calluses if he was in a coma for a year. He leaves his room and finds the fake studio the news reports were made. As he and Susan are trying to escape, they are captured by "Saint John" and put into straight jackets. They are put in a plane with Nurse Simmons, Dr. Rothschild, Abrams, MacGregor-Moore and "Saint John". Abrams threatens to shoot Susan if Hawke won't fly Airwolf out of the lair. Hawke then flies Airwolf into the belly of the plane. Dominic sneaks out of Airwolf and he and Hawke hold Nurse Simmons and "Saint John" at gunpoint and then place them in the straight jackets. Hawke, Dominic and Susan then get into Airwolf and leave the plane. They are pursued by some MiG's and Hawke flies towards the plane when a MiG fires a missile at Airwolf. The plane holding Nurse Simmons, Dr. Rothschild, Abrams, MacGregor-Moore and "Saint John" is hit with the missile and explodes. Hawke then fires a missile at the Cuban MiG, blowing it up. He returns to his cabin with Susan and introduces her to Archangel.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 8 Fight Like a Dove played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic test the maximum altitude of Airwolf and after reaching 86,000 feet, they return to their base. Hawke senses someone is also inside the base and orders Sarah Lebow to step out. She introduces herself and tells them she wants to use Airwolf to help her get justice against Helmut Kruger who murdered her father Harry "Dove" Lebow. After Hawke initially refuses, she offers to help him find Saint John. Hawke talks with Archangel and Marella who tell him about Harry Lebow and Archangel advises him not to help Sarah, eventually admitting that he has dealings with Kruger. Hawke decides to help Sarah and he, Dominic and Sarah leave in Airwolf. As they are flying to Paraguay, Archangel calls Hawke and again asks him not to help Sarah. Hawke and the others arrive at the Kruger Estate after noticing that their scanners are jammed and Hawke sees Archangel standing next to Kruger. He then flies off and lands. Sarah angrily tells him that he is giving Kruger time to prepare, but he walks away. Hawke is called by Archangel and then he flies Airwolf to rendezvous with Archangel. Dominic detects a pair of F-4 Phantoms heading their way and Hawke uses Airwolf to shoot them out of the sky. He then returns where Archangel and Sarah are and Archangel explains to all of them that he sold the Thor weapons system to Kruger so that the nations that bought them wouldn't buy from the Russians. He then explains how there is a device that can be used to cause the missiles to self destruct. Hawke and Dominic leave to get Kruger, and Archangel tells them that he doesn't have the device on him. Hawke attacks Kruger's estate and Kruger has Minter fire the Thor missiles at Airwolf. Hawke manages to destroy three of the missiles and uses the fourth missile to blow up the balcony Kruger and Minter are standing on. Kruger survives and Sarah arrives and points her weapon at him. She then shoots Kruger in the earlobe. Back at Hawke's cabin, Hawke, Dominic and Marella wonder how Archangel was wounded in the earlobe. Sarah initially says a sniper shot at them, but then admits to Hawke that she shot Archangel.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 9 Mad Over Miami played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Archangel and Marella go to Hawke and tell him Dominic's helicopter radioed for help in Florida. They then tell him Dominic was returning from Cuba. Hawke flies to Florida in Airwolf to look for Dominic and lands when he sees his helicopter. He goes inside of a bar and finds Dominic inside drinking a beer. Dominic tells him he was bringing money to Cuba to exchange for prisoners that he trained and who fought in the Bay of Pigs incident. As they are talking, Stella Rivera and two men walk into the bar and she points a weapon at Hawke and Dominic. She takes them to her grandfather Ivan Rivera's house and Dominic tells Ivan he was double crossed. Stella shows Hawke a file with information on the two men who were supposed to be freed, including her father. Hawke asks if any of the Cuban gangs knew of the deal and Ivan admits to Hawke and Stella that he borrowed money from Sanchez. Hawke tells them he needs Dominic's help and then he and Dominic fly Airwolf to Sanchez's camp. Sanchez fires a heat seeking missile at Airwolf and Hawke attacks Sanchez's camp. Sanchez and his men surrender and Hawke asks him where he got the money for the weapons. Sanchez then shows Hawke a phone with a direct line to Archangel. Archangel and Marella arrive and tell Hawke that they were training Sanchez and his men to fight Communists. Hawke then threatens to tell the newspapers that the FIRM is funding criminals unless Archangel gives him three million dollars and Archangel agrees. Hawke and Dominic return to Ivan's house and Stella tells them that only Cubans will deliver the money this time. Hawke then threatens to withhold the money unless Dominic goes and Ivan agrees. He meets up with Archangel and Marella and then sneaks away. He is found by a group of Sanchez's men who bring him to Sanchez. Sanchez demands he hand over Airwolf, but Hawke manages to escape and fly away in Airwolf. He helps out Dominic and Stella from being ripped off by Colonel Fernandez and then escorts them back to Florida. While escorting them, Hawke shoots down a helicopter with Sanchez in it and three MiG jets. At a bar in Florida, Dominic buys Hawke a drink.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 10 And They Are Us played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic are briefed by Archangel and Marella on the situation in Limbawe, Africa. Before they can finish, Hawke tells them he is not interested in helping them, but then they show him a slide of Colonel Vidor, who was Hawke's commanding officer in Vietnam and who was shot down in the same location as Saint John. Hawke and Dominic fly to North Limbawe and land Airwolf near President Seko Logana and Lea Logana. As Hawke is looking around the area, he notices something glinting nearby and he has Seko and Lea take cover behind Airwolf. He then fires where he saw the glint of light and a Sniper runs off. He comments on how fast the Sniper ran and is accused of stereotyping by Seko. He then gives Seko a show of Airwolf's flying abilities before dropping him off. When Seko insinuates that his men can take Airwolf from him, Hawke pulls out a device and tells him it is a self destruct device for Airwolf. Seko assures him that his men are only there to protect him and Hawke reveals the device was only a lighter. He and Dominic go the the camp of General Ali Butami and Hawke tells Colonel Vidor that he wants to work as a mercenary for General Butami. Hawke asks Vidor what he knows about Saint John, but Vidor tells him he doesn't know anything about Saint John, and the reason he never went back to the United States after the war was, because the squadron was his family and he didn't have anything to go back to and wanted to start over again. He also shows Hawke the helmet he kept that belonged to Bo-Dai. As Harold Ngomo is being led to be executed, Vidor asks Hawke if he has a problem with the execution and eventually pulls his gun on Hawke. General Butami and the Sniper walk into the room with Dominic at weapon point, but Hawke and Dominic manage to fight off Vidor, Butami and the Sniper. As they are leaving, Vidor tells Hawke he will have to fight him and to take Harold Ngomo with them. As they are escaping, Hawke is shot and wounded and wakes up on a cot next to Lea who is sitting next to him. She tells him about his wounds and Seko walks out from a meeting with Ngomo and tells Hawke they have formed a coalition. The base is suddenly attacked by Vidor and Lt. Reed in their helicopter and Lea is injured. Hawke and Dominic get into Airwolf and chase after Vidor and Reed. They fall into their trap, but Hawke shoots all but Vidor and Reed's helicopter out of the sky. He and Dominic then destroy the missile silo in South Limbawe. Vidor flies his helicopter towards Airwolf and tells Hawke he knows the location of Saint John, before purposely crashing his helicopter into the ground. At Hawke's cabin, Archangel tells Hawke, Vidor was lying and didn't know where Saint John is. He then gives him Bo-Dai's helmet Lea gave him to give to Hawke and Hawke makes a toast to those who survived and those who didn't.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 11 Mind of the Machine played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic are flying Airwolf in some canyons when Hawke complains the controls feel mushy. Dominic warns him to pull up and Airwolf crashes. Hawke gets out of the Airwolf simulation and complains to Dr. Robert Winchester about the handling and tells him he wont be back for another simulation. Back at Hawke's cabin, Archangel and Marella try to convince Hawke to return to Winchester's lab. Archangel tells him that with his help they can train other pilots against Hawke in his prime in the simulation and Marella tells him major league baseball is using the technology to map out the perfect swing. While Hawke and Dominic are getting Airwolf ready to fly, Dominic tells Hawke it is important to leave something behind and how great it would be to have future generations wondering who this Hawke and Dominic are that they are competing against in the simulator. Hawke and Dominic return to the lab and a telemetry pod is placed in Airwolf's nose. Hawke is tested in Airwolf in things like agility and accuracy in shooting and at the end of the day Winchester and Diana Norris tell Hawke his score is 87. Hawke disputes the score, but Winchester tells him the computer wouldn't lie. At their camp, Dominic tells Hawke he shouldn't take the tests so personally and then they compete on who can make the best coyote sound. The next day, Hawke demands to speak with Winchester privately when Winchester tells him he missed another target. Winchester then offers to challenge Hawke in an Airwolf versus Airwolf simulation and Hawke agrees. They meet at the lab during the night, but during their simulation, the security alarms go off and Winchester tells Hawke to leave with Airwolf. As Hawke and Dominic take Airwolf to the sky, they shoot at Alexi Provov and his men, who are assaulting the lab. The next day Archangel shuts down the project due to the security breach and later Hawke tells Winchester he was a great competitor and maybe someday he will take him in Airwolf. Hawke and Dominic land Airwolf next to Archangel and Marella's limo and Hawke and Dominic are able to identify Alexi from some photos they show them. As they are flying away, Archangel asks them for help and tells them Diana and Alexi stole tapes with information on Airwolf's specifications. Hawke and Dominic fly back and order Alexi to land his helicopter. Alexi starts firing at Airwolf and Dominic tells Hawke their weapons are off line. Archangel calls Hawke and tells him to stop using the computer and Hawke and Dominic manually use the weapons to shoot Alexi's helicopter out of the sky. They then return to pick up the wounded Winchester to bring him to the hospital. Hawke notices Winchester grabbing for the controls and Hawke lets him fly Airwolf until Winchester succumbs to his wound.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 1 Episode 12 To Snare a Wolf played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic are in Dominic's helicopter filming war games for a training film. Archangel, radios Hawke and Hawke tells Col. Ellinson one of the camera mounts might be missing a piece and he is going to land. Hawke and Dominic land and meet up with Archangel and Marella. Archangel tells Hawke that D.G. Bogard is coming after him and Airwolf. Hawke mentions how others have tried to get Airwolf, but Marella tells him Bogard is both organized and well financed. Archangel then hands Hawke a file with gaps where the satellite wont scan and Marella tells them Archangel is going to be busy answering questions from a Senate Subcommittee. Later, Hawke and Dominic hide Airwolf. They receive a mayday and Dominic flies to its location. Hawke makes Italian food for dinner and he becomes skeptical of Antonia Donatelli, who Dominic rescued, over dinner as she tells her story. Hawke tells Antonia he is going to get firewood and asks Dominic for help. When they go outside, Hawke tells Dominic he doesn't trust Antonia. The next day they drop Antonia off at her plane and Antonia flies away. Col. Ellinson tells Hawke and Dominic where the B-52 bomb run will be. Hawke walks up to Sgt. Nash when he notices him messing with Dominic's helicopter. Hawke notices a helicopter chasing them and finds a tracking device in Dominic's helicopter and blames Antonia. They follow a truck and Hawke drops the tracking device in the bed of the truck. They fly to where Antonia is staying and Dominic accuses her of lying to him. Hawke and Dominic then fly away. At his cabin, Hawke hears a noise and Bogard enters his cabin. He tells Hawke he can either give him Airwolf or he will take it. Hawke tells him to leave and Bogard tells him he has a search warrant. Bogard then leaves after telling Hawke if need be he will blow him and Airwolf out of the sky. Dominic goes to where Antonia is staying and offers her a job and they leave in his helicopter. Hawke, who was hiding, then flies away in Antonia's plane. Hawke gets into Airwolf, but is surrounded by Bogard and a group of helicopters. Hawke flies away with Bogard following him. He flies into the path of the bombing run. Hawke flies Airwolf as the B-52's drop their bombs and maneuvers around the explosions. Back at Hawke's cabin, Archangel tries to hire Antonia, but Dominic tells him Antonia is coming to work for him as his top stunt pilot.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 1 Sweet Britches played by Jan-Michael Vincent

The phone rings at Dominic's hangar and Hawke answers it. Harry tells him he and James Blake broke out of a prison and James told him to call Hawke and let him know. Hawke then tells Dominic how James helped him in Vietnam and is now in trouble in Texas. They get into Airwolf and fly it out of its hiding place. As Caitlin O'Shannessy is being assaulted by Buck, Billie and some other men, Hawke and Dominic arrive in Airwolf and tell them to let Caitlin go. After Caitlin is released and drives off, Hawke uses Airwolf to knock over Billie's truck. Hawke walks into the bar and after ordering a beer, Sheriff Bogan walks up to him and grabs him and arrests him for being a vagrant. Bogan takes Hawke to the sheriff's office and Hawke tells Bobby his name is James Blake and Bobby recognizes the name. Hawke tells Bogan his identification and car were stolen in El Paso, but Bogan tells him he thinks he is a liar. Caitlin arrives with a court order and when she goes into the jail area, Hawke asks to speak to her. He calls Dominic and tells him to bust him out of jail. Bogan walks in and takes the phone away from Hawke and hangs it up. He tells Hawke he killed James and he is going to take him hunting. Hawke is brought to the African Hunt Club Ranch by Bogan and forced to run while Sam Houston and Buddy hunt him. He is rescued by Dominic in Airwolf and they use Airwolf to knock over Sam's jeep. Hawke and Dominic arrive at the Sheriff's Office in Airwolf and blow up Billie's truck and Bogan's Bronco. Hawke orders Bogan to let Caitlin go. Hawke then fires Airwolf's weapons and kills Bogan, Buck, Billie and the rest of the men. Caitlin thanks Hawke and then chases after them in her helicopter and tells him he can't leave. Hawke and Dominic then fly off and Dominic starts singing The Yellow Rose of Texas.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 2 Firestorm played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic are testing the performance of Dominic's helicopter, when Dominic mentions they should be doing regular flights with Airwolf to keep it maintained. They land and Everett tells Dominic that he got a call from Angie. They get into Dominic's jeep and ride towards the Four Corners area. At the Last Chance bar, Eddie Donahue lunges at a Soldier and they start to fight as Dominic and Hawke enter the bar. Hawke and Dominic grab Eddie and Dominic drives his truck home while Hawke follows in Dominic's jeep. They leave after Hawke asks Dominic how many times he is going to help Eddie. Back at the hangar, Dominic tells Hawke they should check out the area to see if Eddie was seeing things. They then get into Airwolf and take infrared and thermal scan photographs of the area. Dominic tells Hawke, Eddie used to be a pilot, but took to drinking when a plane he was flying crashed, causing numerous casualties. Hawke is looking at photos of the area they scanned yesterday when he comes across an area with a structure near Eddie's trailer. He asks Everett if he has seen Dominic and Everett tells him he went to Eddie's place last night. Hawke drives to Eddie's trailer and finds it empty. He drives to the location from the photo and sees a camp and while using binoculars, sees Dominic and Eddie being escorted by armed men. A helicopter flies overhead and tells him to stop. He tries to run away, but is captured and bought to the camp. As he is brought into the camp he sees a missile on a launch pad. Hawke is brought into the headquarters and General Sandower asks him what he is doing sneaking around. Hawke tells him he is there to find a friend and Sandower asks him about Firestorm. Sandower has Hawke brought outside and Tanya injects him with a drug. Hawke starts to hallucinate and have flashbacks of Vietnam and of Sandower giving a press conference as Sandower asks him about what Eddie told him. Hawke wakes up in a room with Dominic and Eddie and Dominic tells him Sandower and his group are getting ready to fire the nuclear tipped missile at Moscow to start World War III. They start a fake fight to attract the guard, and then grab him and choke him unconscious when he tries to stop them from fighting. They break out of the room and Sandower starts the launch of the missile. Dominic is shot in the chest as he and Eddie drive away in a jeep and Hawke jumps onto a motorcycle and rides away. Dominic and Eddie arrive at Eddie's trailer, while Hawke gets into Airwolf. A group of Sandower's men arrive at Eddie's trailer, but Hawke kills two of them, and the others surrender. He lands Airwolf and Dominic and Hawke tell Eddie that he has to help them. Eddie gets into Airwolf with Hawke and they fly back towards the camp. Hawke has Eddie pop two anti-rocket sunbursts and then has him fire a rocket as the nuclear missile is launching. The rocket hits the missile causing it to explode and Sandower and everyone in his camp is obliterated. Hawke, Dominic and Eddie drive Eddie back to his trailer and Eddie tells Dominic he is going to try to get sober. Hawke and Dominic then leave Eddie's property.

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During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 3 Moffett's Ghost played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic are transporting Dr. Burton in Airwolf to a secret meeting with Soviet scientists. As they cross the Bering Sea, Hawke promises to pick Dr. Burton up when the meeting ends. They land in Russia and Dr. Burton is greeted by the Soviet scientists. At Hawke's cabin, Marella notices Tet looking up her dress and crosses her legs away from him. She mentions to Hawke and Dominic if Dr. Burton didn't have to work in secret, he would have won numerous Peace Prizes. Archangel tells Hawke he has to make sure he picks up Dr. Burton, or it would be a propaganda nightmare. Archangel asks him if he has had any problems with Airwolf and then tells Hawke, while Marella was monitoring the NORAD map she saw several stray targets. After Archangel and Marella leave, Dominic mentions to Hawke how the computers in Airwolf were acting up. That night, Hawke has a nightmare of the time he and Dominic took Airwolf from Dr. Moffet. He and Dominic are flying Airwolf when the navigation system starts to run itself and takes over flying Airwolf. The weapon system automatically comes on and fires upon and destroys a drone. They land Airwolf and Dominic asks Hawke how they are going to pick up Dr. Burton if they can't control Airwolf. Dominic then suggests asking Archangel for help, but Hawke refuses. They go to the research office of Dr. Hanson. Hawke tells Dr. Hanson he came to see her about Airwolf and that Airwolf is having computer problems. He and Dominic take a blindfolded Dr. Hanson to Airwolf's secret lair and she notices the computer is on. They watch the video and learn that Moffet put a program in place that would take over Airwolf if he was ever imprisoned or killed. Dr. Hanson explains to Dominic and Hawke how a logic bomb works and how complicated it will be to fix the logic bomb Moffet left in Airwolf. Hawke takes Dr. Hanson outside for some fresh air, and Dr. Hanson recognizes the area as the Valley of the Gods. Hawke, Dominic and Dr. Hanson take Airwolf out to test it and the weapons system auto locks on a Cessna plane. It fires towards the plane, and Hawke tells Dr. Hanson they installed blank rounds in the chain guns. Dr. Hanson figures out how to temporarily take control of Airwolf again and they land. She tells Hawke if she had a more powerful computer she might be able to override the program. Hawke and Dominic show Archangel and Marella, Moffet's video and Archangel tells them Airwolf should be grounded. Marella tells Hawke that the FIRM will try to pick up Dr. Burton, but Hawke refuses. As Hawke and Dominic are leaving, Archangel tells them the computer they requested is outside on a ramp. Before they leave, Marella gives them classified detailed designs of Airwolf to give to Dr. Hanson. In the morning, Dr. Hanson tells Dominic and Hawke she doesn't know if she fixed Airwolf and as they about to lift off, she tells them that she planted an explosive in Airwolf and threatens to detonate it. Hawke tells Dr. Hanson he needs her help to save Dr. Burton and gives her the option of detonating the bomb or helping them. Hawke and Dr. Hanson take Airwolf and pick up Dr. Burton and then head towards Washington D.C. Radar picks up Airwolf and Jet Pilot 1 and Jet Pilot 2 are scrambled to intercept. Jet Pilot 1 orders Hawke to identify himself, but Moffet's program causes the signal to not work. Jet Pilot 2 goes into attack position, and Airwolf starts gaining altitude. At 8000 feet Airwolf levels out and Moffet gives one last message and causes what appear to be Russian bombers to show on NORAD's radar. Hawke has an idea to depressurize Airwolf and Airwolf suddenly nose dives towards the ground. Right as Airwolf is about to hit the ground, Hawke manages to take control and he lands Airwolf. Hawke and Dr. Hanson then contact Archangel and Marella and tell them the logic bomb has been purged.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 4 The Truth About Holly played by Jan-Michael Vincent

In Taxquetl, Mexico, Hawke sneaks inside of a mansion. Gabriel opens the hallway closet door and Hawke grabs him and asks where Holly Matthews is. Gabriel then takes Hawke to a room and Hawke tells Holly he is a friend of Dominic. Hawke and Holly escape out of the mansion and run to Airwolf as an alarm goes off and Ed Aarons' security chase and shoot at them. They return to the United States and Lieutenant Grodin questions them about Holly and if she was kidnapped. They then argue with Grodin about whether Holly was being held against her will. At Dominic's hangar, Caitlin O'Shannessy walks up to Hawke and he asks her how she found him. She tells him she took a leave of absence from the police force and asks him about Airwolf, but he refuses to acknowledge it exists. Caitlin then tells him she found the remains of Hawke's friend James in the desert. On a movie set, Hawke arrives on set and he and Holly flirt with each other. Mr. Carlson runs over to Hawke and asks him and Dominic to do the stunt in one take to help with the budget. Mr. Carlson brings Hawke and Caitlin together and sets up the scene that involves a kiss. At first Caitlin is hesitant to kiss Hawke, but then they give each other a long kiss. Caitlin then gets into the helicopter to perform the stunt. As she is flying, a bolt comes loose and falls out of the cyclic control. She manages to land the helicopter on the set of a Roman film being shot. Hawke and Dominic run to Caitlin and she tells Hawke the cyclic was jammed. Everett runs to Dominic and points out Tony and Hernando. Dominic and Hawke chase after Tony and Hernando, but they get away. They drive to Edw. Aarons Inc. and Worker asks what he can do for them. Hawke asks to see Aarons and when Worker tells him he isn't there, Hawke keeps on walking. They are stopped by Mancini and Hawke tells him he wants to see Aarons. Mancini tells Hawke, Aarons is in Mexico and Hawke and Dominic tell Mancini to tell Aarons to stay away from Holly. At Dominic's hangar, a Delivery Boy arrives with a package for Holly. In the package is a live tarantula and a note from Aarons telling Holly to come back. Hawke takes Holly to his cabin and she brings up Caitlin and tells Hawke, Caitlin isn't right for him. Holly then tries to kiss Hawke, but he pushes her away and she walks off after accusing him of liking Caitlin and afterwards she tries to put Caitlin down. Hawke goes after Holly and apologizes if he said anything that gave her the wrong idea between them. Hawke and Dominic land Airwolf and meet with Aarons who tells them he is glad Holly is gone and he just wanted his coded account book which she stole. Aarons then tells them that Holly is crazy and makes up lies and once sent herself a dead cat and cut his break lines. Aarons then asks for a truce and after accepting, Dominic punches him in the face. Everett contacts Dominic and tells him Caitlin and Holly took his helicopter to go to Hawke's cabin. A jet fires a missile at Caitlin and Hawke has Dominic fire a sunburst. At Dominic's hangar, Holly tells Hawke that her grandmother told her she is going to a nice place for vacation and then she is put in a car and taken away to a mental ward.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 5 The Hunted played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke and Dominic are flying Airwolf in the desert when the port engine goes out. They land Airwolf in its lair and Dominic tells Hawke they need to do maintenance on Airwolf. At Dominic's hangar, Caitlin again asks Hawke about Airwolf, but he denies it exists and she was only imagining it. Rosalind Gregory arrives and tells Caitlin she is there to see Dominic. Rosalind then introduces Tony Spandel to Dominic and Dominic starts to introduce Hawke, but Rosalind already knows who he is. She tells Dominic that she would like to contract Santini Air for thirty days to fly company staff when needed. When Hawke asks who is paying, Rosalind tells him Carter Anderson III. Rosalind and the others leave and Dominic tells Hawke how excited he is over the deal, but Hawke doesn't agree. Hawke and Dominic again take out Airwolf, but one engine continues to stall. Hawke tells Dominic he doesn't trust the Anderson deal. They arrive at Santini Air and ask Everett who all the people are searching through the hangar. Hawke asks Tony what is going on and Dominic notices one of the people is photographing his personal paperwork. Hawke goes to Anderson's mansion with Tony following closely by. Rosalind drives up to the gate in a golf cart and Hawke tells her they wont be accepting her offer of work. Anderson tells Rosalind to let Hawke in and Hawke follows Rosalind inside. He asks Anderson who wants to kill him and Anderson tells him he has a plan to revitalize factories that are closing and keep the workers employed. Anderson then tells him that he needs him to get him to a meeting to sign paperwork and Hawke agrees to work for him after he learns Anderson knows of Airwolf and knows Archangel. While Dominic is fixing a fuel control unit, Hawke tells Dominic he worries maybe Anderson is trying to steal Airwolf. Caitlin is flying with Hawke and Dominic when Hawke tells her she is the one that is going to fly Anderson. Dominic and Hawke take Rosalind and Tony to a bar and discuss how the operation will go. Later, Robert Villers pulls along Caitlin's plane and she calls Hawke for help. Robert starts firing missiles at Caitlin's plane and Hawke and Dominic arrive in Airwolf to help. Robert then starts firing at both Airwolf and Caitlin's plane. Hawke gets behind Robert's Corsair and fires his chain guns, disabling the Corsair. Robert gets on the radio and tells Caitlin he will see her and tells Hawke and Dominic good show and then the Corsair explodes. At Hawke's cabin, Dominic tells Hawke he can't get Caitlin to feel better and Hawke goes outside with his cello and Tet. Caitlin tells Hawke not to bother trying to make her feel better, and he plays songs to follow her mood. He then denies the existence of Airwolf as a joke. Caitlin gets riled up and Hawke tells Dominic, Caitlin must be feeling better.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 2 Episode 6 Sins of the Past played by Jan-Michael Vincent

Hawke goes inside the offices at Santini Air and finds Dominic sitting at his desk. Hawke tells Dominic, Archangel, wants them to go on a mission. Dominic then tells Hawke that his daughter Sally Santini died and she is to be buried the next day. They take Airwolf to San Remo island and on their way Dominic tells Hawke of how he hadn't seen Sally in years. Dominic and Hawke are walking along the beach when Dominic sees Aaron Martin. Dominic thanks Aaron for calling him and telling him about Sally and Aaron asks him if he is going to control himself at the funeral. They go to the Our Lady of the Bay church and Dominic kisses the head and kneels in front of Sally's body. Lila Santini walks into the church and she and Dominic exchange looks. At the cemetery, Father Donovan leads the eulogy for Sally, but is interrupted by Lila, who declares that the only reason anyone is at the funeral is to collect money. Lila continues to pester Dominic about why he is at the funeral. Before leaving, Lila tells Dominic that Sally hated him and she isn't sure that Sally was even his daughter. At the San Remo Yacht Club, Aaron tells Hawke stories about when he and Dominic were young. Hawke asks about the casino and Waitress tells him the casino offered money for her and her husband's house for less than the amount it would cost to buy a new one. Dominic and Hawke then start on the mission for Archangel and when they return to the hangar, Caitlin runs up to them and tells them Lieutenant Grodin is there to speak with Dominic. Grodin walks up to them and asks Dominic where he was the night before and hands him a picture of Lila and then arrests him for suspicion of murder of Lila who was beaten to death. Grodin tells Hawke and Caitlin that it could be days or weeks before Dominic is processed and sent to San Remo. Hawke goes to the FIRM headquarters and asks Archangel to give Dominic an alibi, but Archangel tells him he was ordered not to overtly help Dominic. He then offers to help inadvertently, but can't make any promises. Hawke visits Dominic at the County of Los Angeles Central Jail and Dominic tells Hawke he is having memories of being locked up in a North Korean prison camp. Hawke flies Airwolf back to San Remo island. He goes to Lila's home and walks inside and is questioned by Captain Babbitt. Babbitt tells him they believe Dominic is the killer and Lila was known by other members of the town to be promiscuous. Hawke sees Vince Decter and asks Babbitt how close she was to him. Babbitt then tells Hawke a new breed of people have come to the island since the casino opened. Hawke goes to a country club and buys Vince a drink. Vince tells Hawke he was about to buy the country club with Lila's money and his contacts, but it fell through. Vince then recognizes Hawke from the funeral and tries to hit Hawke, but Hawke easily knocks Vince down. Vince then tells Hawke Lila would give him money. Aaron takes Hawke to the house Dominic bought and lived with Lila and Sally in. They then watch home movies of Dominic's family, Aaron's family and Beatrice Moretti. Aaron then tells Hawke, he thinks Dominic killed Lila for what she did to Sally. Hawke is woken up by Darius' Heavy searching the house and they fight, but Darius' Heavy manages to get away. Hawke goes to see Beatrice who is preparing for a fashion show, and as Beatrice talks about Lila, she continues to poke a Model with a pin accidentally. Beatrice then tells Hawke that Dominic was tricked into marrying Lila when she told him she was pregnant, but wasn't. As they are talking, Darius' Heavy tells Hawke, Jason Darius wants to speak to him. Jason asks Hawke what he is doing on the island and tells him Lila didn't have any money and tells Hawke to go home. Aaron tells Hawke he didn't tell him about Lila's connection to Jason, because he was worried what Jason might do to him. Hawke visits Vince again and Vince tells him that Lila said if anyone tried to kill her, her daughter would protect her. Hawke calls Aaron and Aaron tells him to meet him at the house. Hawke goes to the house and finds Aaron dead and Darius' Heavy in the house listening to a tape telling Sally she sent Dominic a package with the identity of her killer Jason. Darius' Heavy chases after Hawke, beats him up and him and Vince are about to drop him overboard when Hawke manages to get loose and jump overboard. Babbitt finds Hawke washed ashore and gives him CPR and then tells him to go home. Hawke tells him Jason murdered Lila when she was blackmailing him for skimming from the casino and Babbitt tells him Jason has connections and was sent to the island to avoid prosecution for a murder. Hawke arrives in Airwolf to the casino and Jason tells his men to shoot at Hawke. Hawke fires back and the crowd of people run outside the casino where Jason and Darius' Heavy are arrested. Hawke then uses Airwolf to destroy the casino to the cheers of the locals. Later, Dominic arrives with Hawke and they celebrate his release from prison.